Class MeasureParameters

  extended by de.jstacs.parameters.Parameter
      extended by de.jstacs.parameters.CollectionParameter
          extended by de.jstacs.parameters.MultiSelectionCollectionParameter
              extended by de.jstacs.classifier.MeasureParameters
All Implemented Interfaces:
GalaxyConvertible, Rangeable, RangeIterator, Storable, Cloneable

public final class MeasureParameters
extends MultiSelectionCollectionParameter

This class holds the parameters for the evaluate-methods of a classifier.

Jan Grau, Jens Keilwagen
See Also:
AbstractClassifier.evaluate(MeasureParameters, boolean,, AbstractClassifier.evaluateAll(MeasureParameters, boolean,

Nested Class Summary
static class MeasureParameters.Measure
          This enum defines all measures that are currently implemented in Jstacs.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.CollectionParameter
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.CollectionParameter
errorMessage, parameters, userSelected
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.Parameter
neededReference, neededReferenceId, parent
Constructor Summary
MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll)
          Creates a new empty instance of MeasureParameters.
MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll, double sp, double snForFPR, double snForPPV)
          Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters.
MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll, double sp, double snForFPR, double snForPPV, double minSpec, double maxSpec, int steps, RangeParameter.Scale scale)
          Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters.
MeasureParameters(StringBuffer representation)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
 void deselectAll()
          Deselects all measures, i.e. calls setSelected(Measure, boolean) for all MeasureParameters.Measures.
 LinkedList<Result> getAnnotation()
          Returns the selected parameters and their values as a LinkedList of Results.
 boolean isSelected(MeasureParameters.Measure sel)
          Indicates if the option sel is selected.
 void setSelected(MeasureParameters.Measure sel, boolean b)
          Selects or deselects an option sel depending on the new selection b.
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.MultiSelectionCollectionParameter
checkValue, clone, fromXML, getNumberOfNexts, getNumberOfValues, getSelected, getValue, getValueFor, getValueFor, getValues, hasDefaultOrIsSet, isAtomic, isRanged, isSelected, isSelected, isSet, next, reset, resetToFirst, setDefault, setSelected, setSelected, setValue, simplify, toXML, valuesToString
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.CollectionParameter
appendCollection, createParameterSet, equals, extractCollection, fromGalaxy, getComment, getDatatype, getDefault, getErrorMessage, getName, getParametersInCollection, getRangedInstance, hasDefault, isRangeable, isRequired, isUserSelected, setRangeable, toGalaxy, toString
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.Parameter
getId, getNeededReference, getNeededReferenceId, getParent, setNeededReference, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll)
                  throws ParameterException
Creates a new empty instance of MeasureParameters.

evaluateAll - indicates if the instance contains the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluateAll(MeasureParameters, boolean, or only the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluate(MeasureParameters, boolean,
ParameterException - if something went wrong while constructing the parameters
See Also:
MeasureParameters.Measure, MultiSelectionCollectionParameter.MultiSelectionCollectionParameter(DataType, String[], Object[], String[], String, String, boolean)


public MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll,
                         double sp,
                         double snForFPR,
                         double snForPPV)
                  throws ParameterException
Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters. All measures are switched on and the parameters of specificity and sensitivity are set to the given values.

evaluateAll - indicates if the instance contains the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluateAll(MeasureParameters, boolean, or only the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluate(MeasureParameters, boolean,
sp - the (fixed) specificity
snForFPR - the (fixed) sensitivity for the FPR
snForPPV - the (fixed) sensitivity for the PPV
ParameterException - if something went wrong while constructing the parameters
See Also:
MeasureParameters.Measure, MultiSelectionCollectionParameter.MultiSelectionCollectionParameter(DataType, String[], Object[], String[], String, String, boolean)


public MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll,
                         double sp,
                         double snForFPR,
                         double snForPPV,
                         double minSpec,
                         double maxSpec,
                         int steps,
                         RangeParameter.Scale scale)
                  throws ParameterException
Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters. All measures are switched on and the parameters of specificity and sensitivity are set to the given values.

evaluateAll - indicates if the instance contains the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluateAll(MeasureParameters, boolean, or only the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluate(MeasureParameters, boolean,
sp - the (fixed) specificity
snForFPR - the (fixed) sensitivity for the FPR
snForPPV - the (fixed) sensitivity for the PPV
minSpec - only used for MeasureParameters.Measure.PartialROCCurve: the minimal specificity
maxSpec - only used for MeasureParameters.Measure.PartialROCCurve: the maximal specificity
steps - only used for MeasureParameters.Measure.PartialROCCurve: the number of steps
scale - only used for MeasureParameters.Measure.PartialROCCurve: see RangeParameter
ParameterException - if something went wrong while constructing the parameters
See Also:
RangeParameter.Scale, MeasureParameters.Measure, RangeParameter, MultiSelectionCollectionParameter.MultiSelectionCollectionParameter(DataType, String[], Object[], String[], String, String, boolean)


public MeasureParameters(StringBuffer representation)
                  throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters out of its XML representation.

representation - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the MeasureParameters could not be reconstructed out of the XML representation (the StringBuffer representation could not be parsed)
See Also:
MultiSelectionCollectionParameter.MultiSelectionCollectionParameter(StringBuffer), Storable
Method Detail


public void setSelected(MeasureParameters.Measure sel,
                        boolean b)
Selects or deselects an option sel depending on the new selection b.

sel - the option
b - the new selection
See Also:
MultiSelectionCollectionParameter.setSelected(String, boolean)


public boolean isSelected(MeasureParameters.Measure sel)
Indicates if the option sel is selected.

sel - the option
true if the option sel is selected, false otherwise
See Also:


public void deselectAll()
Deselects all measures, i.e. calls setSelected(Measure, boolean) for all MeasureParameters.Measures.

See Also:
setSelected(Measure, boolean)


public LinkedList<Result> getAnnotation()
Returns the selected parameters and their values as a LinkedList of Results.

a LinkedList of all selected parameters and their values