Uses of Class

Packages that use DiscreteSequence Provides classes for representing sequences. 

Uses of DiscreteSequence in

Subclasses of DiscreteSequence in
 class ByteSequence
          This class is for sequences with the alphabet symbols encoded as bytes and can therefore be used for discrete AlphabetContainers with alphabets that use only few symbols.
 class IntSequence
          This class is for sequences with the alphabet symbols encoded as ints and can therefore be used for discrete AlphabetContainers with alphabets that use a huge number of symbols.
 class MappedDiscreteSequence
          This class allows to map a discrete Sequence to an new Sequence using some DiscreteAlphabetMappings.
 class MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence
          This class is for multidimensional sequences that can be used, for instance, for phylogenetic footprinting.
 class ShortSequence
          This class is for sequences with the alphabet symbols encoded as shortss and can therefore be used for discrete AlphabetContainers with alphabets that use many different symbols.
 class SimpleDiscreteSequence
          This is the main class for any discrete sequence.
 class SparseSequence
          This class is an implementation for sequences on one alphabet with length 4.