Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractModel
de.jstacs.models Provides the interface Model and its abstract implementation AbstractModel, which is the super class of all other models. 
de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous This package contains various inhomogeneous models. 
de.jstacs.models.mixture This package is the super package for any mixture model. 

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models
 class CompositeModel
          This class is for modelling sequences by modelling the different positions of the each sequence by different models.
 class NormalizableScoringFunctionModel
          This model can be used to use a NormalizableScoringFunction as model.
 class UniformModel
          This class represents a uniform model.
 class VariableLengthWrapperModel
          This class allows to train any Model on Samples of Sequences with variable length if each individual length is at least Model.getLength().

Methods in de.jstacs.models that return AbstractModel
 AbstractModel AbstractModel.clone()
          Follows the conventions of Object's clone()-method.

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete
 class DiscreteGraphicalModel
          This is the main class for all discrete graphical models (DGM).

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.homogeneous

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.homogeneous
 class HomogeneousMM
          This class implements homogeneous Markov models (hMM) of arbitrary order.
 class HomogeneousModel
          This class implements homogeneous models of arbitrary order.

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous
 class BayesianNetworkModel
          The class implements a Bayesian network ( StructureLearner.ModelType.BN ) of fixed order.
 class DAGModel
          The abstract class for directed acyclic graphical models (DAGModel).
 class FSDAGModel
          This class can be used for any discrete fixed structure directed acyclic graphical model ( FSDAGModel).
 class FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling
          This is the class for a fixed structure directed acyclic graphical model (see FSDAGModel) that can be used in a Gibbs sampling.
 class InhomogeneousDGM
          This class is the main class for all inhomogeneous discrete graphical models (InhomogeneousDGM).

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared
 class SharedStructureMixture
          This class handles a mixture of models with the same structure that is learned via EM.

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.mixture

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.mixture
 class AbstractMixtureModel
          This is the abstract class for all kinds of mixture models.
 class MixtureModel
          The class for a mixture model of any Models.
 class StrandModel
          This model handles sequences that can either lie on the forward strand or on the reverse complementary strand.

Uses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.mixture.motif

Subclasses of AbstractModel in de.jstacs.models.mixture.motif
 class HiddenMotifMixture
          This is the main class that every generative motif discoverer should implement.
 class SingleHiddenMotifMixture
          This class enables the user to search for a single motif in a sequence.