Class MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet

  extended by de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
      extended by de.jstacs.models.hmm.HMMTrainingParameterSet
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
GalaxyConvertible, RangeIterator, Storable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaumWelchParameterSet, NumericalHMMTrainingParameterSet, ViterbiParameterSet

public abstract class MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet
extends HMMTrainingParameterSet

This class is the super class for any HMMTrainingParameterSet that is used for a maximizing training algorithm of a hidden Markov model.

Jens Keilwagen

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
errorMessage, parameters, parent, ranged
Constructor Summary
protected MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet()
          This is the empty constructor that can be used to fill the parameters after creation.
protected MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet(int starts, AbstractTerminationCondition tc)
          This constructor can be used to create an instance with specified parameters.
protected MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet(StringBuffer xml)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
 AbstractTerminationCondition getTerminantionCondition()
          This method returns the AbstractTerminationCondition for stopping the training, e.g., if the difference of the scores between two iterations is smaller than a given threshold the training is stopped.
protected  void loadParameters()
          Loads the parameters for this ParameterSet.
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.models.hmm.HMMTrainingParameterSet
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
clone, fromGalaxy, fromXML, getErrorMessage, getId, getIndex, getNumberOfParameters, getNumberOfValues, getParameterAt, getParent, hasDefaultOrIsSet, initParameterList, initParameterList, isAtomic, isRanged, makeRanged, next, parametersLoaded, propagateId, recieveId, replaceParametersWithRangedInstance, reset, resetToFirst, setParent, simplify, toGalaxy, toXML, valuesToString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet()
This is the empty constructor that can be used to fill the parameters after creation.


protected MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet(int starts,
                                     AbstractTerminationCondition tc)
                              throws Exception
This constructor can be used to create an instance with specified parameters.

starts - the number of different starts
tc - the termination condition for stopping the algorithm
Exception - if this MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet could not be created


protected MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet(StringBuffer xml)
                              throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Constructs a MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet out of an XML representation.

xml - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet could not be reconstructed out of the StringBuffer xml
Method Detail


protected void loadParameters()
                       throws Exception
Description copied from class: ParameterSet
Loads the parameters for this ParameterSet. This is in most cases done by calling ParameterSet.initParameterList() or ParameterSet.initParameterList(int) to initialize ParameterSet.parameters and afterwards filling ParameterSet.parameters with instances of subclasses of Parameter.

loadParameters in class HMMTrainingParameterSet
Exception - if the parameters could not be loaded
See Also:
Parameter, ParameterSet.parameters, ParameterSet.initParameterList(), ParameterSet.initParameterList(int)


public AbstractTerminationCondition getTerminantionCondition()
                                                      throws ParameterSetParser.NotInstantiableException
This method returns the AbstractTerminationCondition for stopping the training, e.g., if the difference of the scores between two iterations is smaller than a given threshold the training is stopped.

the AbstractTerminationCondition for stopping the training
ParameterSetParser.NotInstantiableException - if the AbstractTerminationCondition could not be created from its ParameterSet