Class ReferenceBasedTransitionElement

  extended by de.jstacs.models.hmm.transitions.BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
      extended by de.jstacs.models.hmm.transitions.elements.BasicTransitionElement
          extended by de.jstacs.models.hmm.transitions.elements.ReferenceBasedTransitionElement
All Implemented Interfaces:
Storable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DistanceBasedScaledTransitionElement, ScaledTransitionElement

public class ReferenceBasedTransitionElement
extends BasicTransitionElement

This class implements transition elements that utilize a reference sequence to determine the transition probability. The reference sequence is given as annotation of the original sequence and can be utilized using annotationID.

Jens Keilwagen, Michael Seifert
See Also:

Field Summary
protected  String annotationID
          The annotation id used for determining the transition matrix from the ReferenceSequenceAnnotations.
protected  int diagElement
          The index of the self transition.
protected  double ess
          The equivalent sample size (ess) used in the prior of this instance.
protected  double[] probabilities
          Represents the initial the transition probabilities.
protected  double[][] statisticsTransitionProb
          Represents the gammas required for estimating the transition probabilities not including pseudocounts.
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.models.hmm.transitions.BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
context, descendants, hyperParameters, logNorm, parameters, states, statistic
Constructor Summary
ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(int[] context, int[] states, double ess, double[] probabilities, String annotationID)
          Creates an ReferenceBasedTransitionElement representing a conditional transition probability distribution of a Hidden Markov Model for the given context.
ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(int[] context, int[] states, double ess, double[] probabilities, String annotationID, double[] weight)
          Creates an ReferenceBasedTransitionElement representing a conditional transition probability distribution of a Hidden Markov Model for the given context.
ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(StringBuffer xml)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
protected  void appendFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
          This method appends further information to the XML representation.
 ReferenceBasedTransitionElement clone()
protected  void determineDiagonalElement()
          This method determines the self transition.
protected  void extractFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
          This method extracts further information from the XML representation.
 double getLogGammaScoreFromStatistic()
          This method calculates a score for the current statistics, which is independent from the current parameters In general the gamma-score is a product of gamma-functions parameterized with the current statistics
 double getLogPriorTerm()
          Returns a value that is proportional to the log of the prior.
protected  void init()
          This method initializes internal fields.
 void initializeRandomly()
          This method draws new parameters from the prior.
protected  void precompute()
          This method precomputes internal fields as for instance the normalization constant.
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.models.hmm.transitions.BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
addToStatistic, appendGraphvizDescription, appendTransitions, drawParametersFromStatistic, estimateFromStatistic, getArrowOption, getChild, getContext, getDescendant, getGraphvizEdgeWeight, getLabel, getLogScoreFor, getNextContext, getNumberOfChildren, getNumberOfParameters, getXMLTag, resetStatistic, setIndexOfDescendantTransitionElement, toString, toString, toXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String annotationID
The annotation id used for determining the transition matrix from the ReferenceSequenceAnnotations.


protected double[] probabilities
Represents the initial the transition probabilities.


protected double[][] statisticsTransitionProb
Represents the gammas required for estimating the transition probabilities not including pseudocounts.


protected double ess
The equivalent sample size (ess) used in the prior of this instance.


protected int diagElement
The index of the self transition.

Constructor Detail


public ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(int[] context,
                                       int[] states,
                                       double ess,
                                       double[] probabilities,
                                       String annotationID)
Creates an ReferenceBasedTransitionElement representing a conditional transition probability distribution of a Hidden Markov Model for the given context.

context - context of states
states - states that can be reached from the context
probabilities - transition probabilities from the context to the states
ess - the equivalent sample size (ess)
annotationID - identifier for decoding transition classes
See Also:
ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(int[], int[], double, double[], String, double[])


public ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(int[] context,
                                       int[] states,
                                       double ess,
                                       double[] probabilities,
                                       String annotationID,
                                       double[] weight)
Creates an ReferenceBasedTransitionElement representing a conditional transition probability distribution of a Hidden Markov Model for the given context.

context - context of states
states - states that can be reached from the context
probabilities - transition probabilities from the context to the states
ess - the equivalent sample size (ess)
annotationID - identifier for decoding transition classes
weight - the weight for plotting the edge in Graphviz, enables to modify the edge length, larger weights imply shorter edges (default: 1)


public ReferenceBasedTransitionElement(StringBuffer xml)
                                throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Constructs a ReferenceBasedTransitionElement out of an XML representation.

xml - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the ReferenceBasedTransitionElement could not be reconstructed out of the StringBuffer xml
Method Detail


protected void init()
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
This method initializes internal fields.

init in class BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement


public ReferenceBasedTransitionElement clone()
                                      throws CloneNotSupportedException
clone in class BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement


protected void determineDiagonalElement()
This method determines the self transition.

See Also:


protected void precompute()
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
This method precomputes internal fields as for instance the normalization constant.

precompute in class BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
See Also:


public double getLogPriorTerm()
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
Returns a value that is proportional to the log of the prior. For maximum likelihood (ML) 0 should be returned.

getLogPriorTerm in class BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
a value that is proportional to the log of the prior
See Also:


public double getLogGammaScoreFromStatistic()
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
This method calculates a score for the current statistics, which is independent from the current parameters In general the gamma-score is a product of gamma-functions parameterized with the current statistics

getLogGammaScoreFromStatistic in class BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
the logarithm of the gamma-score for the current statistics


public void initializeRandomly()
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
This method draws new parameters from the prior.

initializeRandomly in class BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement


protected void appendFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
This method appends further information to the XML representation. It allows subclasses to save further parameters that are not defined in the superclass.

appendFurtherInformation in class BasicTransitionElement
xml - the XML representation


protected void extractFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
                                  throws NonParsableException
Description copied from class: BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement
This method extracts further information from the XML representation. It allows subclasses to cast further parameters that are not defined in the superclass.

extractFurtherInformation in class BasicTransitionElement
xml - the XML representation
NonParsableException - if the information could not be reconstructed out of the StringBuffer xml