Uses of Class

Packages that use MixtureModel
de.jstacs.models Provides the interface Model and its abstract implementation AbstractModel, which is the super class of all other models. 

Uses of MixtureModel in de.jstacs.models

Methods in de.jstacs.models that return MixtureModel
static MixtureModel ModelFactory.createMixtureModel(double[] hyper, Model[] model)
          This method allows to create a MixtureModel that allows to model a Sample as a mixture of individual components.

Uses of MixtureModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared

Subclasses of MixtureModel in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared
 class SharedStructureMixture
          This class handles a mixture of models with the same structure that is learned via EM.