Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBurnInTest The package provides all classes used to determine the training algorithm of a hidden Markov model 
de.jstacs.sampling This package contains many classes that can be used while a sampling. 

Uses of AbstractBurnInTest in

Methods in that return AbstractBurnInTest
 AbstractBurnInTest SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet.getBurnInTest()
          This method return the burn in test to be used during sampling.

Uses of AbstractBurnInTest in de.jstacs.sampling

Subclasses of AbstractBurnInTest in de.jstacs.sampling
 class VarianceRatioBurnInTest
          In this class the Variance-Ratio method of Gelman and Rubin is implemented to test the length of the burn-in phase of a multi-chain Gibbs Sampling (number of chains >2).

Methods in de.jstacs.sampling that return AbstractBurnInTest
 AbstractBurnInTest AbstractBurnInTest.clone()

Constructor parameters in de.jstacs.sampling with type arguments of type AbstractBurnInTest
AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet(Class<? extends AbstractBurnInTest> instanceClass)
          Creates a new AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet with empty parameter values.
AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet(Class<? extends AbstractBurnInTest> instanceClass, int starts)
          Creates a new AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet with pre-defined parameter values.