Uses of Class

Packages that use ParameterSetParser.WrongParameterTypeException Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation 

Uses of ParameterSetParser.WrongParameterTypeException in

Methods in that throw ParameterSetParser.WrongParameterTypeException
static boolean ParameterSetParser.getBooleanFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the boolean which is the value of the Parameter par.
static byte ParameterSetParser.getByteFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the byte which is the value of the Parameter par.
static double ParameterSetParser.getDoubleFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the double which is the value of the Parameter par.
static float ParameterSetParser.getFloatFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the float which is the value of the Parameter par.
static int ParameterSetParser.getIntFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the int which is the value of the Parameter par.
static long ParameterSetParser.getLongFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the long which is the value of the Parameter par.
static short ParameterSetParser.getShortFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the short which is the value of the Parameter par.
static String ParameterSetParser.getStringFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the String which is the value of the Parameter par.