Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractHMM
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm The package provides all interfaces and classes for a hidden Markov model (HMM). 
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM 

Uses of AbstractHMM in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm

Methods in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm that return AbstractHMM
 AbstractHMM AbstractHMM.clone()
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createErgodicHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet pars, int order, double ess, double selfTranistionPart, double expectedSequenceLength, Emission... emission)
          This method creates an ergodic, i.e. a completely connected, HMM using the given emissions.
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createProfileHMM(MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet, double[][] initFromTo, boolean likelihood, int order, int numLayers, AlphabetContainer con, double ess, boolean conditionalMain, boolean closeCircle, double[][] conditionInitProbs, boolean insertUniform)
          Creates a new profile HMM for a given architecture and number of layers.
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createProfileHMM(MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet, double[][] initFromTo, boolean likelihood, int order, int numLayers, AlphabetContainer con, double ess, boolean conditionalMain, int joiningStates, double[][] conditionInitProbs, boolean insertUniform)
          Creates a new profile HMM for a given architecture and number of layers.
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createProfileHMM(MaxHMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet, HMMFactory.HMMType type, boolean likelihood, int order, int numLayers, AlphabetContainer con, double ess, boolean conditionalMain, boolean closeCircle, double[][] conditionInitProbs)
          Creates a new profile HMM for a given architecture and number of layers.
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createPseudoErgodicHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet pars, double ess, double selfTranistionPart, double finalTranistionPart, AlphabetContainer con, int numStates, boolean insertUniform)
          Creates an HMM with numStates+1 states, where numStates emitting build a clique and each of those states is connected to the absorbing silent final state.
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createSunflowerHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet pars, AlphabetContainer con, double ess, int expectedSequenceLength, boolean startCentral, int... motifLength)
          This method creates a first order sunflower HMM.
static AbstractHMM HMMFactory.createSunflowerHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet pars, AlphabetContainer con, double ess, int expectedSequenceLength, boolean startCentral, PhyloTree[] t, double[] motifProb, int[] motifLength)
          This method creates a first order sunflower HMM allowing phylogenetic emissions.

Uses of AbstractHMM in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models

Subclasses of AbstractHMM in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models
 class DifferentiableHigherOrderHMM
          This class combines an HigherOrderHMM and a DifferentiableStatisticalModel by implementing some of the declared methods.
 class HigherOrderHMM
          This class implements a higher order hidden Markov model.
 class SamplingHigherOrderHMM
 class SamplingPhyloHMM
          This class implements an (higher order) HMM that contains multi-dimensional emissions described by a phylogenetic tree.