Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassifierAssessment
de.jstacs.classifier.assessment This package allows to assess classifiers. 

Uses of ClassifierAssessment in de.jstacs.classifier.assessment

Subclasses of ClassifierAssessment in de.jstacs.classifier.assessment
 class KFoldCrossValidation
          This class implements a k-fold crossvalidation.
 class RepeatedHoldOutExperiment
          This class implements a repeated hold-out experiment for assessing classifiers.
 class RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment
          This class implements a repeated subsampling experiment.
 class Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment
          This class is a special ClassifierAssessment that partitions the data of a user-specified reference class (typically the smallest class) and samples non-overlapping for all other classes, so that one gets the same number of sequences (and the same lengths of the sequences) in each train and test dataset.