Uses of Class

Packages that use Alphabet Provides classes for the representation of data. Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences 

Uses of Alphabet in

Methods in that return Alphabet
 Alphabet AlphabetContainer.getAlphabetAt(int pos)
          Returns the underlying Alphabet of position pos.

Methods in with parameters of type Alphabet
 boolean Alphabet.checkConsistency(Alphabet a)
          Checks if this Alphabet is consistent consistent with another Alphabet, i.e. both Alphabets use the same symbols.
static AlphabetContainer AlphabetContainer.getSimplifiedAlphabetContainer(Alphabet[] abc, int[] assignment)
          This method creates a new AlphabetContainer that uses as less as possible Alphabets to describe the container.
static AlphabetContainer AlphabetContainer.insertAlphabet(AlphabetContainer aC, Alphabet a, boolean[] useNewAlphabet)
          This method may be used to construct a new AlphabetContainer by incorporating additional Alphabets into an existing AlphabetContainer.

Constructors in with parameters of type Alphabet
AlphabetContainer(Alphabet abc)
          Creates a new simple AlphabetContainer.
AlphabetContainer(Alphabet[] abc)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainer with different Alphabets for each position.
AlphabetContainer(Alphabet[] abc, int[] assignment)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainer that uses different Alphabets.
AlphabetContainerParameterSet.AlphabetArrayParameterSet(Alphabet[] alphabets, AlphabetContainer.AlphabetContainerType type)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainerParameterSet.AlphabetArrayParameterSet from an array of Alphabets and the information about the type of the Alphabets.
AlphabetContainerParameterSet.SectionDefinedAlphabetParameterSet(Alphabet[] alphabets, int[] indexes)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainerParameterSet.SectionDefinedAlphabetParameterSet from an array of Alphabets and an array of indexes that define the index of the Alphabet in alphabets belonging to that position in indexes.
AlphabetContainerParameterSet(Alphabet alph)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainerParameterSet of a simple AlphabetContainer from a single Alphabet.
AlphabetContainerParameterSet(Alphabet[] alphabets)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainerParameterSet from an array of Alphabets.
AlphabetContainerParameterSet(Alphabet[] alphabets, int[] indexes)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainerParameterSet from an array of Alphabets and an array of ints defining the Alphabet index i in alphabets that is used for position i.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Alphabet
Alphabet.AlphabetParameterSet(Class<? extends Alphabet> instanceClass)
          Creates a new Alphabet.AlphabetParameterSet from the class that can be instantiated using this Alphabet.AlphabetParameterSet.

Uses of Alphabet in

Subclasses of Alphabet in
 class ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet
          This abstract class indicates that an alphabet can be used to compute the complement.
 class ContinuousAlphabet
          Class for a continuous alphabet.
 class DiscreteAlphabet
          Class for an alphabet that consists of arbitrary Strings.
 class DNAAlphabet
          This class implements the discrete alphabet that is used for DNA.
 class GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet
          This class implements an generic complementable discrete alphabet.

Methods in with parameters of type Alphabet
 int DiscreteAlphabet.compareTo(Alphabet b)
 int ContinuousAlphabet.compareTo(Alphabet a)