Class AbstractHMM

  extended by de.jstacs.models.hmm.AbstractHMM
All Implemented Interfaces:
Model, Storable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractHMM
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Storable, Model

This class is the super class of all implementations hidden Markov models (HMMs) in Jstacs. The training algorithm of the the HMM is determined by a specialized ParameterSet denoted as HMMTrainingParameterSet.

Jan Grau, Jens Keilwagen, Michael Scharfe
See Also:
State, Transition

Field Summary
protected  double[][] bwdMatrix
          matrix for all backward-computed variables; bwdMatrix[l][c] = log P(x_{l+1},...
protected  AlphabetContainer con
          The AlphabetContainer of the HMM.
protected  Emission[] emission
          The emissions used in the states.
protected  int[] emissionIdx
          The index of the used emission of each state.
protected  boolean[] finalState
          An array of switches that contains for each state whether is is a final state or not (cf.
protected  boolean[] forward
          An array of switches that contains for each state whether the emission is forward or the reverse strand.
protected  double[][] fwdMatrix
          matrix for all forward-computed variables; fwdMatrix[l][c] = log P(x_1,...
protected  String[] name
          The names of the states.
protected  SafeOutputStream sostream
          This is the stream for writing information while training.
static String START_NODE
          The String for the start node used in Graphviz annotation.
protected  State[] states
          The (hidden) states of the HMM.
protected  HMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameter
          The ParameterSet containing all Parameters for the training of the HMM.
protected  Transition transition
          The transitions between all (hidden) states of the HMM.
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet, String[] name, int[] emissionIdx, boolean[] forward, Emission[] emission)
          This is the main constructor for an HMM.
protected AbstractHMM(StringBuffer xml)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
protected abstract  void appendFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
          This method appends further information to the XML representation.
 AbstractHMM clone()
          Creates a clone (deep copy) of the current Model instance.
protected abstract  void createHelperVariables()
          This method instantiates all helper variables that are need inside the model for instance for filling forward and backward matrix, ...
protected  double[][] createMatrixForStatePosterior(int startPos, int endPos)
          This method creates an empty matrix for the log state posterior.
protected abstract  void createStates()
          This method creates states for the internal usage.
static int[][] decodeStatePosterior(double[][]... statePosterior)
          The method returns the decoded state posterior, i.e. a sequence of states.
protected  void determineFinalStates()
          This method determines the final states of the HMM.
protected abstract  void extractFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
          This method extracts further information from the XML representation.
protected abstract  void fillBwdMatrix(int startPos, int endPos, Sequence seq)
          This method fills the backward-matrix for a given sequence.
protected abstract  void fillFwdMatrix(int startPos, int endPos, Sequence seq)
          This method fills the forward-matrix for a given sequence.
protected abstract  void fillLogStatePosteriorMatrix(double[][] statePosterior, int startPos, int endPos, Sequence seq, boolean silentZero)
          This method fills the log state posterior of Sequence seq in a given matrix.
protected  void finalize()
protected  void fromXML(StringBuffer xml)
          This method is used by the AbstractHMM(StringBuffer) constructor for creating an instance from an XML representation.
 AlphabetContainer getAlphabetContainer()
          Returns the container of alphabets that were used when constructing the model.
protected  double[][] getFinalStatePosterioriMatrix(double[][] intermediate)
          This method is used if fillLogStatePosteriorMatrix(double[][], int, int, Sequence, boolean) is used with code>silentZero==true to eliminate the first row.
 String getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf)
          This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.
 String getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf, boolean sameTypeSameRank)
          This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.
 String getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf, Sample data, double[] weight, boolean sameTypeSameRank)
          This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.
 double getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence)
          Returns the logarithm of the probability of the given sequence given the model.
 double getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence, int startpos)
          Returns the logarithm of the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model.
 double getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence, int startpos, int endpos)
          Returns the logarithm of the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model.
abstract  double getLogProbForPath(IntList path, int startPos, Sequence seq)
 double[][] getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int startPos, int endPos, Sequence seq)
          This method returns the log state posterior of all states for a sequence.
 double[][][] getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sample data)
          This method returns the log state posteriors for all sequences of the sample data.
 int getNumberOfStates()
          This method returns the number of the (hidden) states
 double getPriorTerm()
          Returns a value that is proportional to the prior.
 double getProbFor(Sequence sequence)
          Returns the probability of the given sequence given the model.
 double getProbFor(Sequence sequence, int startpos)
          Returns the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model.
 double getProbFor(Sequence sequence, int startpos, int endpos)
          Returns the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model.
protected static RuntimeException getRunTimeException(Exception e)
          This method creates an RuntimeException from any other Exception
 double[][][] getStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sample data)
          This method returns the state posteriors for all sequences of the sample data.
 double[][] getStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sequence seq)
          This method returns the log state posterior of all states for a sequence.
abstract  Pair<IntList,Double> getViterbiPathFor(int startPos, int endPos, Sequence seq)
 Pair<IntList,Double> getViterbiPathFor(Sequence seq)
 Pair<IntList,Double>[] getViterbiPathsFor(Sample data)
          This method returns the viterbi paths and scores for all sequences of the sample data.
protected abstract  String getXMLTag()
          Returns the tag for the XML representation.
protected  void initTransition(BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement... te)
          This method creates the internal transition.
protected  double logProb(int startpos, int endpos, Sequence sequence)
          This method computes the logarithm of the probability of the corresponding subsequences.
protected  void provideMatrix(int type, int length)
          This method invokes the method createHelperVariables() and provides the matrix with given type.
 boolean setNewAlphabetContainerInstance(AlphabetContainer abc)
          This method tries to set a new instance of an AlphabetContainer for the current model.
 void setOutputStream(OutputStream o)
          Sets the OutputStream that is used e.g. for writing information while training.
 String toString()
          Should give a simple representation (text) of the model as String .
 StringBuffer toXML()
          This method returns an XML representation as StringBuffer of an instance of the implementing class.
 void train(Sample data)
          Trains the Model object given the data as Sample.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.jstacs.models.Model
emitSample, getCharacteristics, getInstanceName, getLength, getLogPriorTerm, getLogProbFor, getLogProbFor, getMaximalMarkovOrder, getNumericalCharacteristics, isTrained, train

Field Detail


protected State[] states
The (hidden) states of the HMM.


protected String[] name
The names of the states.


protected int[] emissionIdx
The index of the used emission of each state.


protected boolean[] forward
An array of switches that contains for each state whether the emission is forward or the reverse strand. Only of interest for discrete, reverse complementable sequences.

See Also:


protected Emission[] emission
The emissions used in the states.


protected Transition transition
The transitions between all (hidden) states of the HMM.


protected double[][] fwdMatrix
matrix for all forward-computed variables; fwdMatrix[l][c] = log P(x_1,...,x_l,(s_{l-order+1},...,s_l)=c | parameter)


protected double[][] bwdMatrix
matrix for all backward-computed variables; bwdMatrix[l][c] = log P(x_{l+1},...,x_L | (s_{l-order+1},...,s_l)=c , parameter)


protected AlphabetContainer con
The AlphabetContainer of the HMM.


protected HMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameter
The ParameterSet containing all Parameters for the training of the HMM.


protected SafeOutputStream sostream
This is the stream for writing information while training.


protected boolean[] finalState
An array of switches that contains for each state whether is is a final state or not (cf. final states).


public static final String START_NODE
The String for the start node used in Graphviz annotation.

See Also:
getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat), Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected AbstractHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet,
                      String[] name,
                      int[] emissionIdx,
                      boolean[] forward,
                      Emission[] emission)
               throws CloneNotSupportedException,
This is the main constructor for an HMM.

trainingParameterSet - a ParameterSet containing all Parameters for the training of the HMM
name - the names of the states
emissionIdx - the indices of the emissions that should be used for each state, if null state i will use emission i
forward - a boolean array that indicates whether the symbol on the forward or the reverse complementary strand should be used, if null all states use the forward strand
emission - the emissions
CloneNotSupportedException - if trainingParameterSet can not be cloned
WrongAlphabetException - if not all (non-silent) emissions have use the same AlphabetContainer


protected AbstractHMM(StringBuffer xml)
               throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Constructs a AbstractHMM out of an XML representation.

xml - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the AbstractHMM could not be reconstructed out of the StringBuffer xml
Method Detail


protected void initTransition(BasicHigherOrderTransition.AbstractTransitionElement... te)
                       throws Exception
This method creates the internal transition.

te - the individual transition elements
Exception - if the transition can not handle the current states


protected abstract String getXMLTag()
Returns the tag for the XML representation.

the tag for the XML representation
See Also:
fromXML(StringBuffer), toXML()


public StringBuffer toXML()
Description copied from interface: Storable
This method returns an XML representation as StringBuffer of an instance of the implementing class.

Specified by:
toXML in interface Storable
the XML representation


protected void fromXML(StringBuffer xml)
                throws NonParsableException
This method is used by the AbstractHMM(StringBuffer) constructor for creating an instance from an XML representation. This method should never be made public.

xml - the XML representation
NonParsableException - if the XML representation can not be parsed properly


protected abstract void appendFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
This method appends further information to the XML representation. It allows subclasses to save further parameters that are not defined in the superclass.

xml - the XML representation


protected abstract void extractFurtherInformation(StringBuffer xml)
                                           throws NonParsableException
This method extracts further information from the XML representation. It allows subclasses to cast further parameters that are not defined in the superclass.

xml - the XML representation
NonParsableException - if the information could not be reconstructed out of the StringBuffer xml


public AbstractHMM clone()
                  throws CloneNotSupportedException
Description copied from interface: Model
Creates a clone (deep copy) of the current Model instance.

Specified by:
clone in interface Model
clone in class Object
the cloned instance
CloneNotSupportedException - if something went wrong while cloning


protected abstract void createStates()
This method creates states for the internal usage.


protected abstract void fillFwdMatrix(int startPos,
                                      int endPos,
                                      Sequence seq)
                               throws Exception
This method fills the forward-matrix for a given sequence.

startPos - the start position (inclusive) in the sequence
endPos - the end position (inclusive) in the sequence
seq - the sequence
Exception - if some error occurs during the computation


protected abstract void fillBwdMatrix(int startPos,
                                      int endPos,
                                      Sequence seq)
                               throws Exception
This method fills the backward-matrix for a given sequence.

startPos - the start position (inclusive) in the sequence
endPos - the end position (inclusive) in the sequence
seq - the sequence
Exception - if some error occurs during the computation


public AlphabetContainer getAlphabetContainer()
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the container of alphabets that were used when constructing the model.

Specified by:
getAlphabetContainer in interface Model
the container of alphabets that were used when constructing the model


public boolean setNewAlphabetContainerInstance(AlphabetContainer abc)
Description copied from interface: Model
This method tries to set a new instance of an AlphabetContainer for the current model. This instance has to be consistent with the underlying instance of an AlphabetContainer.

This method can be very useful to save time.

Specified by:
setNewAlphabetContainerInstance in interface Model
abc - the alphabets in an AlphabetContainer
true if the new instance could be set
See Also:
Model.getAlphabetContainer(), AlphabetContainer.checkConsistency(AlphabetContainer)


public String getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf)
This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.

nf - an instance of NumberFormat for formating the probabilities of the transition
a String representation of the structure
See Also:
getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat, Sample, double[], boolean)


public String getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf,
                                        boolean sameTypeSameRank)
This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.

nf - an instance of NumberFormat for formating the probabilities of the transition
sameTypeSameRank - if true, states of the same type, i.e., having the same type of emission, are displayed on the same rank
a String representation of the structure
See Also:
getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat, Sample, double[], boolean)


public String getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf,
                                        Sample data,
                                        double[] weight,
                                        boolean sameTypeSameRank)
This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.

nf - an instance of NumberFormat for formating the probabilities of the transition
data - the data to determine the state posterior; can be null
weight - the weights to weight the determined state posterior; can be null
sameTypeSameRank - if true, states of the same type, i.e., having the same type of emission, are displayed on the same rank
a String representation of the structure


protected double[][] createMatrixForStatePosterior(int startPos,
                                                   int endPos)
This method creates an empty matrix for the log state posterior.

startPos - the start position
endPos - the end position
an empty matrix for the log state posterior
See Also:
getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int, int, Sequence), fillLogStatePosteriorMatrix(double[][], int, int, Sequence, boolean)


protected abstract void fillLogStatePosteriorMatrix(double[][] statePosterior,
                                                    int startPos,
                                                    int endPos,
                                                    Sequence seq,
                                                    boolean silentZero)
                                             throws Exception
This method fills the log state posterior of Sequence seq in a given matrix.

statePosterior - the matrix for the log state posterior
startPos - the start position
endPos - the end position
seq - the sequence
silentZero - true if the state posterior for silent states is defined to be zero, otherwise false
Exception - if an error occurs during the computation
See Also:
getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int, int, Sequence), createMatrixForStatePosterior(int, int)


public double[][] getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int startPos,
                                                int endPos,
                                                Sequence seq)
                                         throws Exception
This method returns the log state posterior of all states for a sequence.

startPos - the start position within the sequence
endPos - the end position within the sequence
seq - the sequence
the score for each state an each sequence position
Exception - if the state posterior could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...


protected double[][] getFinalStatePosterioriMatrix(double[][] intermediate)
This method is used if fillLogStatePosteriorMatrix(double[][], int, int, Sequence, boolean) is used with code>silentZero==true to eliminate the first row.

intermediate - the intermediate (log) state posterior matrix containing one additional row for silent states before the first emission
the final (log) state posterior matrix


public double[][] getStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sequence seq)
                                      throws Exception
This method returns the log state posterior of all states for a sequence.

seq - the sequence
the score for each state an each sequence position
Exception - if the state posterior could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...
See Also:
getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int, int, Sequence)


public double[][][] getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sample data)
                                           throws Exception
This method returns the log state posteriors for all sequences of the sample data.

data - the sequences
the log state posterior matrices for all sequences
Exception - if the state posterior could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...
See Also:
getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int, int, Sequence)


public double[][][] getStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sample data)
                                        throws Exception
This method returns the state posteriors for all sequences of the sample data.

data - the sequences
the state posterior matrices for all sequences
Exception - if the state posterior could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...
See Also:


public abstract Pair<IntList,Double> getViterbiPathFor(int startPos,
                                                       int endPos,
                                                       Sequence seq)
                                                throws Exception
startPos - the start position within the sequence
endPos - the end position within the sequence
seq - the sequence
a Pair containing the viterbi state path and the corresponding score
Exception - if the viterbi path could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...


public Pair<IntList,Double> getViterbiPathFor(Sequence seq)
                                       throws Exception
seq - the sequence
a Pair containing the viterbi state path and the corresponding score
Exception - if the viterbi path could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...
See Also:
getViterbiPathFor(int, int, Sequence)


public Pair<IntList,Double>[] getViterbiPathsFor(Sample data)
                                          throws Exception
This method returns the viterbi paths and scores for all sequences of the sample data.

data - the sequences
the viterbi paths and scores for all sequences
Exception - if the viterbi paths and scores could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...
See Also:


public abstract double getLogProbForPath(IntList path,
                                         int startPos,
                                         Sequence seq)
                                  throws Exception
path - the given state path
startPos - the start position within the sequence(s) (inclusive)
seq - the sequence(s)
the logarithm of the probability for the given path and the given sequence(s)
Exception - if the probability for the sequence given path could not be computed, for instance if the model is not trained, ...


protected abstract void createHelperVariables()
This method instantiates all helper variables that are need inside the model for instance for filling forward and backward matrix, ...


protected void provideMatrix(int type,
                             int length)
This method invokes the method createHelperVariables() and provides the matrix with given type. Type 0 stands for fwdMatrix, and type 1 stands for bwdMatrix.

type - the type of the matrix
length - the maximal sequence length


public int getNumberOfStates()
This method returns the number of the (hidden) states

the number of the states


public double getProbFor(Sequence sequence)
                  throws NotTrainedException,
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the probability of the given sequence given the model. If at least one random variable is continuous the value of the density function is returned.
The length and the alphabets define the type of data that can be modeled and therefore both has to be checked.

Specified by:
getProbFor in interface Model
sequence - the given sequence for which the probability/the value of the density function should be returned
the probability or the value of the density function of the given sequence given the model
NotTrainedException - if the model is not trained yet
Exception - if the sequence could not be handled by the model


public double getProbFor(Sequence sequence,
                         int startpos)
                  throws NotTrainedException,
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model. If at least one random variable is continuous the value of density function is returned.

If the length of the sequences, whose probability should be returned, is fixed (e.g. in a inhomogeneous model) and the given sequence is longer than their fixed length, the start position within the given sequence is given by startpos. E.g. the fixed length is 12. The length of the given sequence is 30 and the startpos=15 the probability of the part from position 15 to 26 (inclusive) given the model should be returned.
The length and the alphabets define the type of data that can be modeled and therefore both has to be checked.

Specified by:
getProbFor in interface Model
sequence - the given sequence
startpos - the start position within the given sequence
the probability or the value of the density function of (the part of) the given sequence given the model
NotTrainedException - if the model is not trained yet
Exception - if the sequence could not be handled by the model


public double getProbFor(Sequence sequence,
                         int startpos,
                         int endpos)
                  throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model. If at least one random variable is continuous the value of density function is returned.

It extends the possibility given by the method Model.getProbFor(Sequence, int) by the fact, that the model could be e.g. homogeneous and therefore the length of the sequences, whose probability should be returned, is not fixed. Additionally the end position of the part of the given sequence is given and the probability of the part from position startpos to endpos (inclusive) should be returned.
The length and the alphabets define the type of data that can be modeled and therefore both has to be checked.

Specified by:
getProbFor in interface Model
sequence - the given sequence
startpos - the start position within the given sequence
endpos - the last position to be taken into account
the probability or the value of the density function of (the part of) the given sequence given the model
Exception - if the sequence could not be handled (e.g. startpos > endpos, endpos > sequence.length, ...) by the model
NotTrainedException - if the model is not trained yet


public double getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence)
                     throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the logarithm of the probability of the given sequence given the model. If at least one random variable is continuous the value of density function is returned.

For more details see Model.getProbFor(Sequence)

Specified by:
getLogProbFor in interface Model
sequence - the given sequence for which the logarithm of the probability/the value of the density function should be returned
the logarithm of the probability or the value of the density function of the part of the given sequence given the model
Exception - if the sequence could not be handled by the model
NotTrainedException - if the model is not trained yet
See Also:


public double getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence,
                            int startpos)
                     throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the logarithm of the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model. If at least one random variable is continuous the value of density function is returned.

For more details see Model.getProbFor(Sequence, int)

Specified by:
getLogProbFor in interface Model
sequence - the given sequence
startpos - the start position within the given sequence
the logarithm of the probability or the value of the density function of (the part of) the given sequence given the model
Exception - if the sequence could not be handled by the model
NotTrainedException - if the model is not trained yet
See Also:
Model.getProbFor(Sequence, int)


public double getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence,
                            int startpos,
                            int endpos)
                     throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns the logarithm of the probability of (a part of) the given sequence given the model. If at least one random variable is continuous the value of density function is returned.

For more details see Model.getProbFor(Sequence, int, int)

Specified by:
getLogProbFor in interface Model
sequence - the given sequence
startpos - the start position within the given sequence
endpos - the last position to be taken into account
the logarithm of the probability or the value of the density function of (the part of) the given sequence given the model
Exception - if the sequence could not be handled (e.g. startpos > , endpos > sequence.length, ...) by the model
NotTrainedException - if the model is not trained yet
See Also:
Model.getProbFor(Sequence, int, int)


protected static RuntimeException getRunTimeException(Exception e)
This method creates an RuntimeException from any other Exception

e - the Exception
a RuntimeException


protected double logProb(int startpos,
                         int endpos,
                         Sequence sequence)
                  throws Exception
This method computes the logarithm of the probability of the corresponding subsequences. The method does not check the AlphabetContainer and possible further features before starting the computation.

startpos - the start position (inclusive)
endpos - the end position (inclusive)
sequence - the Sequence(s)
the logarithm of the probability
Exception - if the model has no parameters (for instance if it is not trained)


public double getPriorTerm()
                    throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Model
Returns a value that is proportional to the prior. For ML 1 should be returned.

Specified by:
getPriorTerm in interface Model
a value that is proportional to the prior
Exception - if something went wrong


public void train(Sample data)
           throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Model
Trains the Model object given the data as Sample.
This method should work non-incrementally. That means the result of the following series: train(data1); train(data2) should be a fully trained model over data2 and not over data1+data2. All parameters of the model were given by the call of the constructor.

Specified by:
train in interface Model
data - the given sequences as Sample
Exception - if the training did not succeed
See Also:
Sample.getElementAt(int), Sample.ElementEnumerator


public final void setOutputStream(OutputStream o)
Sets the OutputStream that is used e.g. for writing information while training. It is possible to set o=null, than nothing will be written.

o - the OutputStream


protected void finalize()
                 throws Throwable
finalize in class Object


protected void determineFinalStates()
This method determines the final states of the HMM.

See Also:


public static int[][] decodeStatePosterior(double[][]... statePosterior)
The method returns the decoded state posterior, i.e. a sequence of states. Be careful: For HMMs that do not allow all transitions between states this sequence does not have to be a valid path of the HMM.

statePosterior - the (log) state posterior(s)
the decoded state posterior(s)
See Also:
getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(int, int, Sequence)


public String toString()
Description copied from interface: Model
Should give a simple representation (text) of the model as String .

Specified by:
toString in interface Model
toString in class Object
the representation as String