Uses of Class

Packages that use SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet
de.jstacs.models.hmm.models The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM 

Uses of SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models

Constructors in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models with parameters of type SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet
SamplingHigherOrderHMM(SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet, String[] name, int[] emissionIdx, boolean[] forward, SamplingEmission[] emission, TransitionElement... te)
          This is the main constructor.
SamplingPhyloHMM(SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet, String[] name, int[] emissionIdx, boolean[] forward, PhyloDiscreteEmission[] emission, TransitionElement... te)
          This is the main constructor for a hidden markov model with phylogenetic emission(s) This model can be trained using a metropolis hastings algorithm