Package de.jstacs

This package is the root package for the most and important packages.


Interface Summary
InstantiableFromParameterSet Interface for all classes that can be instantiated from a InstanceParameterSet.
Storable This is the root interface for all immutable objects that must be stored in e.g. a file or a database.

Enum Summary
DataType This enum defines a number of data types that can be used for Parameters and Result s.

Exception Summary
NonParsableException A NonParsableException is thrown if some object could not be restored (parsed) from a StringBuffer.
NotTrainedException A NotTrainedException is thrown if the user tries to use an untrained model.
WrongAlphabetException A WrongAlphabetException is thrown if the given Alphabet or AlphabetContainer does not support some data.

Package de.jstacs Description

This package is the root package for the most and important packages. The most important subpackages are data, models and classifier.

See Also:, de.jstacs.models, de.jstacs.classifier