Interface InstantiableFromParameterSet

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsoluteValueCondition, AbstractBurnInTest, AbstractTerminationCondition, Alphabet, AlphabetContainer, BayesianNetworkModel, BayesianNetworkScoringFunction, BTExplainingAwayResidual, BTMutualInformation, CombinedCondition, ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet, ContinuousAlphabet, DAGModel, DiscreteAlphabet, DiscreteGraphicalModel, DNAAlphabet, FSDAGModel, FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling, GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet, HomogeneousMM, HomogeneousModel, InhomogeneousDGM, InhomogeneousMarkov, IterationCondition, Measure, MutableMarkovModelScoringFunction, PMMExplainingAwayResidual, PMMMutualInformation, SmallDifferenceOfFunctionEvaluationsCondition, SmallGradientConditon, SmallStepCondition, TimeCondition, VarianceRatioBurnInTest

public interface InstantiableFromParameterSet

Interface for all classes that can be instantiated from a InstanceParameterSet. Each class ABC implementing this interface must provide a constructor of kind
ABC(InstanceParameterSet parameters).

In order to provide a suitable InstanceParameterSet to obtain all necessary values of these variables the user should implement a subclass of the abstract class InstanceParameterSet or one of its subclasses, that creates the necessary Parameters in its loadParameters()-method.

Jan Grau, Jens Keilwagen

Method Summary
 InstanceParameterSet getCurrentParameterSet()
          Returns the InstanceParameterSet that has been used to instantiate the current instance of the implementing class.

Method Detail


InstanceParameterSet getCurrentParameterSet()
                                            throws Exception
Returns the InstanceParameterSet that has been used to instantiate the current instance of the implementing class. If the current instance was not created using an InstanceParameterSet, an equivalent InstanceParameterSet should be returned, so that an instance created using this InstanceParameterSet would be in principle equal to the current instance.

the current InstanceParameterSet
Exception - if the InstanceParameterSet could not be returned