Class ExpandableParameterSet

  extended by de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
      extended by de.jstacs.parameters.ExpandableParameterSet
All Implemented Interfaces:
GalaxyConvertible, RangeIterator, Storable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AlphabetContainerParameterSet.SectionDefinedAlphabetParameterSet, ArrayParameterSet

public class ExpandableParameterSet
extends ParameterSet

A class for a ParameterSet that can be expanded by additional Parameters at runtime. The Parameters are all of type ParameterSetContainer. The contents of these Parameters are provided by a ParameterSet-template, which is cloned each time addParameterToSet() is called and set as value of a ParameterSetContainer that is added to the Parameters of the ExpandableParameterSet. Already added Parameters can also be removed from the set using removeParameterFromSet().

Jan Grau

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
Field Summary
protected  String commentTemplate
          A template for the comment of the enclosing ParameterSetContainer
protected  String nameTemplate
          A template for the name of the enclosing ParameterSetContainer
protected  ParameterSet template
          The template for each ParameterSet
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
errorMessage, parameters, parent, ranged
Constructor Summary
ExpandableParameterSet(ParameterSet[] templateAndContent, String nameTemplate, String commentTemplate)
          Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from a ParameterSet -array.
ExpandableParameterSet(ParameterSet template, String nameTemplate, String commentTemplate)
          Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from a Class that can be instantiated using this ExpandableParameterSet and templates for the ParameterSet in each element of the array, the name and the comment that are displayed for the ParameterSetContainers enclosing the ParameterSets.
ExpandableParameterSet(ParameterSet template, String nameTemplate, String commentTemplate, int initCount)
          Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from a Class that can be instantiated using this ExpandableParameterSet and templates for the ParameterSet in each element of the array, the name and the comment that are displayed for the ParameterSetContainers enclosing the ParameterSets.
ExpandableParameterSet(StringBuffer representation)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
 void addParameterToSet()
          Adds a new ParameterSetContainer containing a clone of the ParameterSet-template to the set of Parameters.
 ExpandableParameterSet clone()
          Creates a full clone (deep copy) of this ParameterSet.
 void fromGalaxy(String namePrefix, StringBuffer command)
          Parses the contents of command in the format defined by configBuffer of GalaxyConvertible.toGalaxy(String, String, int, StringBuffer, StringBuffer) and sets the values of the Parameter or ParameterSet accordingly.
protected  void fromXML(StringBuffer representation)
          Parses the instance fields of a ParameterSet from the XML representation as returned by ParameterSet.toXML().
protected  void loadParameters()
          Loads the parameters for this ParameterSet.
 boolean parameterRemovable()
          Returns true if there is still a Parameter that can be removed from the set.
 void removeParameterFromSet()
          Removes the last Parameter from set.
 boolean replaceContentWith(ParameterSet[] paramSetArray)
          First removes all previous added ParameterSetContainers and afterwards adds all given ParameterSets (in the given order) enclosed in new ParameterSetContainers.
protected  void replaceParametersWithRangedInstance()
          Replaces all Parameters in this ParameterSet by their equivalents implementing the Rangeable interface.
 void toGalaxy(String namePrefix, String configPrefix, int depth, StringBuffer descBuffer, StringBuffer configBuffer)
          Creates an Galaxy XML-representation of the parameters and appends it to descBuffer and variable configuration and appends it to configBuffer.
 StringBuffer toXML()
          This method returns an XML representation as StringBuffer of an instance of the implementing class.
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.ParameterSet
getErrorMessage, getId, getIndex, getNumberOfParameters, getNumberOfValues, getParameterAt, getParent, hasDefaultOrIsSet, initParameterList, initParameterList, isAtomic, isRanged, makeRanged, next, parametersLoaded, propagateId, recieveId, reset, resetToFirst, setParent, simplify, valuesToString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ParameterSet template
The template for each ParameterSet


protected String nameTemplate
A template for the name of the enclosing ParameterSetContainer


protected String commentTemplate
A template for the comment of the enclosing ParameterSetContainer

Constructor Detail


public ExpandableParameterSet(ParameterSet template,
                              String nameTemplate,
                              String commentTemplate)
Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from a Class that can be instantiated using this ExpandableParameterSet and templates for the ParameterSet in each element of the array, the name and the comment that are displayed for the ParameterSetContainers enclosing the ParameterSets. Initially, the method loadParameters() creates one copy of the template.

template - the template of the ParameterSet
nameTemplate - the name-template
commentTemplate - the comment-template


public ExpandableParameterSet(ParameterSet template,
                              String nameTemplate,
                              String commentTemplate,
                              int initCount)
Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from a Class that can be instantiated using this ExpandableParameterSet and templates for the ParameterSet in each element of the array, the name and the comment that are displayed for the ParameterSetContainers enclosing the ParameterSets. Using this constructor, the method loadParameters() initially creates initCount copies of the template.

template - the template of the ParameterSet
nameTemplate - the name-template
commentTemplate - the comment-template
initCount - the number of initial copies of the template


public ExpandableParameterSet(StringBuffer representation)
                       throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from its XML representation.

representation - the XML represenation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the StringBuffer representation could not be parsed


public ExpandableParameterSet(ParameterSet[] templateAndContent,
                              String nameTemplate,
                              String commentTemplate)
Creates a new ExpandableParameterSet from a ParameterSet -array. The first element of this array is taken as a template for further calls of addParameterToSet().

templateAndContent - the content (and template)
nameTemplate - the name-template
commentTemplate - the comment-template
Method Detail


public ExpandableParameterSet clone()
                             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Description copied from class: ParameterSet
Creates a full clone (deep copy) of this ParameterSet. As a convenience-method the user can use fillWithStandardFieldsForClone(ParameterSet) on a newly created instance of a subclass of ParameterSet to obtain a clone/copy of all standard member variables (those already defined in ParameterSet) in the passed ParameterSet. Using this method, the cloning process becomes merely three-step:
This method fulfills the conventions of Object's method Object.clone().

clone in class ParameterSet
a deep clone/copy of this ParameterSet


protected void loadParameters()
                       throws Exception
Description copied from class: ParameterSet
Loads the parameters for this ParameterSet. This is in most cases done by calling ParameterSet.initParameterList() or ParameterSet.initParameterList(int) to initialize ParameterSet.parameters and afterwards filling ParameterSet.parameters with instances of subclasses of Parameter.

Specified by:
loadParameters in class ParameterSet
Exception - if the parameters could not be loaded
See Also:
Parameter, ParameterSet.parameters, ParameterSet.initParameterList(), ParameterSet.initParameterList(int)


protected void replaceParametersWithRangedInstance()
                                            throws Exception
Description copied from class: ParameterSet
Replaces all Parameters in this ParameterSet by their equivalents implementing the Rangeable interface.

replaceParametersWithRangedInstance in class ParameterSet
Exception - if these instances could not be created
See Also:


public void addParameterToSet()
                       throws CloneNotSupportedException
Adds a new ParameterSetContainer containing a clone of the ParameterSet-template to the set of Parameters.

CloneNotSupportedException - if the template could not be cloned


public boolean replaceContentWith(ParameterSet[] paramSetArray)
First removes all previous added ParameterSetContainers and afterwards adds all given ParameterSets (in the given order) enclosed in new ParameterSetContainers.

paramSetArray - the ParameterSets to be set
true, if all given ParameterSets are of the same class as the defined template-ParameterSet of this ExpandableParameterSet, false otherwise (In this case, neither the previous added ParameterSetContainers are removed nor is any given ParameterSet added. Hence the ExpandableParameterSet stays unchanged.)


public boolean parameterRemovable()
Returns true if there is still a Parameter that can be removed from the set.

true if a Parameter can be removed from the set


public void removeParameterFromSet()
Removes the last Parameter from set.


public StringBuffer toXML()
Description copied from interface: Storable
This method returns an XML representation as StringBuffer of an instance of the implementing class.

Specified by:
toXML in interface Storable
toXML in class ParameterSet
the XML representation


protected void fromXML(StringBuffer representation)
                throws NonParsableException
Description copied from class: ParameterSet
Parses the instance fields of a ParameterSet from the XML representation as returned by ParameterSet.toXML().

fromXML in class ParameterSet
representation - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the XML code could not be parsed
See Also:


public void toGalaxy(String namePrefix,
                     String configPrefix,
                     int depth,
                     StringBuffer descBuffer,
                     StringBuffer configBuffer)
              throws Exception
Description copied from interface: GalaxyConvertible
Creates an Galaxy XML-representation of the parameters and appends it to descBuffer and variable configuration and appends it to configBuffer. The variable configuation is also used to parse user-supplied values returned by Galaxy.

Specified by:
toGalaxy in interface GalaxyConvertible
toGalaxy in class ParameterSet
namePrefix - the prefix of the variable name used in Galaxy
configPrefix - the prefix for conditionals
depth - the depth in the parameter hierarchy, used for graphical representation of nesting
descBuffer - the buffer for the parameter description
configBuffer - the buffer for the configuration line
Exception - if the conversion fails


public void fromGalaxy(String namePrefix,
                       StringBuffer command)
                throws Exception
Description copied from interface: GalaxyConvertible
Parses the contents of command in the format defined by configBuffer of GalaxyConvertible.toGalaxy(String, String, int, StringBuffer, StringBuffer) and sets the values of the Parameter or ParameterSet accordingly.

Specified by:
fromGalaxy in interface GalaxyConvertible
fromGalaxy in class ParameterSet
namePrefix - the prefix of the variable name
command - the command string
Exception - if the command string could not be parsed