Package de.jstacs.parameters

This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface.


Interface Summary
GalaxyConvertible Interface for Parameters that can be converted to and extracted from Galaxy representations.
Rangeable Interface for Parameters that potentially can be varied over a certain interval or a list of values.
RangeIterator Interface for a Parameter or ParameterSet that can have multiple values at the same time.

Class Summary
ArrayParameterSet Class for a ParameterSet that consists of a length-Parameter that defines the length of the array and an array of ParameterSetContainers of this length.
CollectionParameter Class for a collection parameter, i.e. a parameter that provides some collection of possible values the user can choose from.
EnumParameter This class implements a CollectionParameter based on an Enum.
ExpandableParameterSet A class for a ParameterSet that can be expanded by additional Parameters at runtime.
FileParameter Class for a Parameter that represents a local file.
FileParameter.FileRepresentation Class that represents a file.
InstanceParameterSet Container class for a set of Parameters that can be used to instantiate another class.
MultiSelectionCollectionParameter Class for a Parameter that provides a collection of possible values.
Parameter Abstract class for a parameter that shall be used as the parameter of some method, constructor, etc.
ParameterSet (Container) class for a set of Parameters.
ParameterSetContainer Class for a ParameterSetContainer that contains a ParameterSet as value.
ParameterSetTagger This class implements a tagger for Parameter of ParameterSet.
ParameterSetTagger.KeyEntryComparator<K extends Comparable<K>,V> This class implements a comparator on Map.Entry that sorts by the key of the Map.Entry.
RangeParameter Class for a parameter wrapper that allows SimpleParameters to be set to a set of values.
SequenceScoringParameterSet Abstract class for a ParameterSet containing all parameters necessary to construct an Object that implements InstantiableFromParameterSet.
SimpleParameter Class for a "simple" parameter.
SimpleParameterSet Class for a ParameterSet that is constructed from an array of Parameters and thus does nothing in the method SimpleParameterSet.loadParameters().

Enum Summary
RangeParameter.RangeType The possible types of defining ranges for a RangeParameter.
RangeParameter.Scale This enum defines possible scales, if RangeParameter.RangeType is RangeParameter.RangeType.RANGE.

Exception Summary
ParameterException Class for an exception that is thrown if some error occurs while setting a parameter's value or constructing a parameter.
SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException Class for an Exception that can be thrown if the provided int-value that represents a data type is not one of the values defined in DataType.
SimpleParameter.IllegalValueException This exception is thrown if a parameter is not valid.

Package de.jstacs.parameters Description

This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface. This convention includes that each parameter has

The package also provides some predefined parameter types for primitive data types and Strings in SimpleParameter, collections of possible parameter values in CollectionParameter, input files in FileParameter, and for parameters that can have a number of different parameter values in RangeParameter.

All of these Parameter-types can be combined to ParameterSets that contain a set of Parameters. As SimpleParameters can also have ParameterSets as values (the corresponding data type is DataType.PARAMETERSET) and these can also be used inside CollectionParameters, a tree of parameters can be built that allows to select between different options in a collection and set the parameters that belong to the selected option, or to bundle sets of parameters into subsets to allow for a clearer organization of parameters.