Class SimpleParameter

  extended by de.jstacs.parameters.Parameter
      extended by de.jstacs.parameters.SimpleParameter
All Implemented Interfaces:
GalaxyConvertible, Rangeable, Storable, Cloneable

public class SimpleParameter
extends Parameter
implements Rangeable, GalaxyConvertible

Class for a "simple" parameter. Simple parameters are those of the primitive types and single Strings.

Jan Grau

Nested Class Summary
static class SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException
          Class for an Exception that can be thrown if the provided int-value that represents a data type is not one of the values defined in DataType.
static class SimpleParameter.IllegalValueException
          This exception is thrown if a parameter is not valid.
Field Summary
protected  String comment
          A comment on the parameter
protected  DataType datatype
          The data type of the parameter value
protected  Object defaultValue
          The default value of the parameter
protected  String name
          The name of the parameter
protected  boolean required
          Determines if the parameter is required
protected  ParameterValidator validator
          The validator for the parameter values
protected  Object value
          The current value of the parameter
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.Parameter
neededReference, neededReferenceId, parent
Constructor Summary
SimpleParameter(DataType datatype, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a SimpleParameter without ParameterValidator.
SimpleParameter(DataType datatype, String name, String comment, boolean required, Object defaultVal)
          Constructor for a SimpleParameter without ParameterValidator but with a default value.
SimpleParameter(DataType datatype, String name, String comment, boolean required, ParameterValidator validator)
          Constructor for a SimpleParameter with a ParameterValidator.
SimpleParameter(DataType datatype, String name, String comment, boolean required, ParameterValidator validator, Object defaultVal)
          Constructor for a SimpleParameter with validator and default value.
SimpleParameter(StringBuffer representation)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
 boolean checkValue(Object value)
          Checks the value for correctness, e.g. for numerical parameters this might be checking if the value is within specified bounds.
 SimpleParameter clone()
 boolean equals(Object o2)
 void fromGalaxy(String namePrefix, StringBuffer command)
          Parses the contents of command in the format defined by configBuffer of GalaxyConvertible.toGalaxy(String, String, int, StringBuffer, StringBuffer) and sets the values of the Parameter or ParameterSet accordingly.
protected  void fromXML(StringBuffer representation)
          Parses a Parameter from a XML representation as returned by Parameter.toXML().
 String getComment()
          Returns a comment on this Parameter that tells something about useful values, domains, usage of this parameter, etc.
 DataType getDatatype()
          Returns the data type of the Parameter.
 String getErrorMessage()
          If a value could not be set successfully this method returns the corresponding error message.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the Parameter.
 Parameter getRangedInstance()
          Returns an instance of RangeIterator that has the same properties as the current instance, but accepts a range or list of values.
 ParameterValidator getValidator()
          Returns the ParameterValidator used in this SimpleParameter.
 Object getValue()
          Returns the current value of this Parameter.
 boolean hasDefaultOrIsSet()
          Returns true if the parameter either has a default value or the value was set by the user, false otherwise.
 boolean isAtomic()
          Returns true if the parameter is of an atomic data type, false otherwise.
 boolean isRangeable()
          Returns true if the parameters can be varied over a range of values.
 boolean isRequired()
          Returns true if the Parameter is required, false otherwise.
 boolean isSet()
          Returns true if the parameter was set by the user, false otherwise.
 void reset()
          Resets the parameter and its contents to the default values or null if no defaults are given.
 void setDefault(Object defaultValue)
          Sets the default value of the Parameter to defaultValue.
 void setRangeable(boolean rangeable)
          Sets the value returned by isRangeable() to rangeable.
 void setValidator(ParameterValidator validator)
          Sets a new ParameterValidator for this SimpleParameter.
 void setValue(Object value2)
          Sets the value of this Parameter to value.
 void simplify()
          Simplifies the Parameter and its contents to the relevant information.
 void toGalaxy(String namePrefix, String configPrefix, int depth, StringBuffer descBuffer, StringBuffer configBuffer)
          Creates an Galaxy XML-representation of the parameters and appends it to descBuffer and variable configuration and appends it to configBuffer.
 String toString()
 StringBuffer toXML()
          This method returns an XML representation as StringBuffer of an instance of the implementing class.
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.parameters.Parameter
getId, getNeededReference, getNeededReferenceId, getParent, setNeededReference, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected DataType datatype
The data type of the parameter value


protected String name
The name of the parameter


protected String comment
A comment on the parameter


protected boolean required
Determines if the parameter is required


protected Object value
The current value of the parameter


protected Object defaultValue
The default value of the parameter


protected ParameterValidator validator
The validator for the parameter values

Constructor Detail


public SimpleParameter(StringBuffer representation)
                throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Constructs a SimpleParameter out of an XML representation.

representation - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the SimpleParameter could not be restored from the StringBuffer representation


public SimpleParameter(DataType datatype,
                       String name,
                       String comment,
                       boolean required)
                throws SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException
Constructor for a SimpleParameter without ParameterValidator.

datatype - the data type of the parameter value
name - the name of the parameter
comment - a comment on the parameter that tells the user some details about it
required - determines if the parameter is required
SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException - if datatype is not one of the allowed DataTypes


public SimpleParameter(DataType datatype,
                       String name,
                       String comment,
                       boolean required,
                       Object defaultVal)
                throws ParameterException
Constructor for a SimpleParameter without ParameterValidator but with a default value.

datatype - the data type of the parameter value
name - the name of the parameter
comment - a comment on the parameter that tells the user some details about it
required - determines if the parameter is required
defaultVal - the default value
ParameterException - if either the default value is not a valid value with respect to datatype or datatype is not in the values allowed for a SimpleParameter


public SimpleParameter(DataType datatype,
                       String name,
                       String comment,
                       boolean required,
                       ParameterValidator validator)
                throws SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException
Constructor for a SimpleParameter with a ParameterValidator.

datatype - the data type of the parameter value
name - the name of the parameter
comment - a comment on the parameter that tells the user some details about it
required - determines if the parameter is required
validator - the validator for the parameter values
SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException - if datatype is not in the values allowed for a SimpleParameter


public SimpleParameter(DataType datatype,
                       String name,
                       String comment,
                       boolean required,
                       ParameterValidator validator,
                       Object defaultVal)
                throws ParameterException
Constructor for a SimpleParameter with validator and default value.

datatype - the data type of the parameter value
name - the name of the parameter
comment - a comment on the parameter that tells the user some details about it
required - determines if the parameter is required
validator - the validator for the parameter values
defaultVal - the default value
ParameterException - if either the default value is not a valid value with respect to datatype or datatype is not in the values allowed for a SimpleParameter
Method Detail


public SimpleParameter clone()
                      throws CloneNotSupportedException
clone in class Parameter


public boolean hasDefaultOrIsSet()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns true if the parameter either has a default value or the value was set by the user, false otherwise.

Specified by:
hasDefaultOrIsSet in class Parameter
true if value has a default value or was set, false otherwise


public boolean isSet()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns true if the parameter was set by the user, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isSet in class Parameter
true if the parameter was set, false otherwise


public boolean isRangeable()
Description copied from interface: Rangeable
Returns true if the parameters can be varied over a range of values.

Specified by:
isRangeable in interface Rangeable
true if the parameter can be varied, false otherwise


public void setRangeable(boolean rangeable)
Sets the value returned by isRangeable() to rangeable.

rangeable - the new value that determines if this SimpleParameter is rangeable


public Parameter getRangedInstance()
                            throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Rangeable
Returns an instance of RangeIterator that has the same properties as the current instance, but accepts a range or list of values. These values can be obtained by the methods of RangeIterator.

Specified by:
getRangedInstance in interface Rangeable
an instance with the same properties as the current instance
Exception - is thrown if Rangeable.isRangeable() returns false or the ranged instance could not be created for some other reason


public boolean isAtomic()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns true if the parameter is of an atomic data type, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isAtomic in class Parameter
true if the parameter is atomic, false otherwise


public String getName()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns the name of the Parameter.

Specified by:
getName in class Parameter
the name of the Parameter


public DataType getDatatype()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns the data type of the Parameter.

Specified by:
getDatatype in class Parameter
the data type of the Parameter


public String getComment()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns a comment on this Parameter that tells something about useful values, domains, usage of this parameter, etc.

Specified by:
getComment in class Parameter
the comment


public boolean isRequired()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns true if the Parameter is required, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isRequired in class Parameter
true if the Parameter is required, false otherwise


public boolean checkValue(Object value)
Description copied from class: Parameter
Checks the value for correctness, e.g. for numerical parameters this might be checking if the value is within specified bounds.

Specified by:
checkValue in class Parameter
value - the value to be checked
true if the value is valid, false otherwise


public String getErrorMessage()
Description copied from class: Parameter
If a value could not be set successfully this method returns the corresponding error message.

Specified by:
getErrorMessage in class Parameter
an error message if a value could not be set successfully


public void setDefault(Object defaultValue)
                throws SimpleParameter.IllegalValueException
Description copied from class: Parameter
Sets the default value of the Parameter to defaultValue.

Specified by:
setDefault in class Parameter
defaultValue - the default value


public void simplify()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Simplifies the Parameter and its contents to the relevant information. This could be e.g. to reset the contents of those values of a CollectionParameter that are not selected.

Specified by:
simplify in class Parameter


public void reset()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Resets the parameter and its contents to the default values or null if no defaults are given.

Specified by:
reset in class Parameter


public void setValue(Object value2)
              throws SimpleParameter.IllegalValueException
Description copied from class: Parameter
Sets the value of this Parameter to value.

Specified by:
setValue in class Parameter
value2 - the new value of the Parameter
SimpleParameter.IllegalValueException - if the specified value is not valid for this Parameter


public Object getValue()
Description copied from class: Parameter
Returns the current value of this Parameter.

Specified by:
getValue in class Parameter
the current value of the Parameter


public StringBuffer toXML()
Description copied from interface: Storable
This method returns an XML representation as StringBuffer of an instance of the implementing class.

Specified by:
toXML in interface Storable
toXML in class Parameter
the XML representation


protected void fromXML(StringBuffer representation)
                throws NonParsableException
Description copied from class: Parameter
Parses a Parameter from a XML representation as returned by Parameter.toXML().

fromXML in class Parameter
representation - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the XML code could not be parsed
See Also:


public boolean equals(Object o2)
equals in class Object


public ParameterValidator getValidator()
Returns the ParameterValidator used in this SimpleParameter. This may be null.

the validator used in this SimpleParameter


public void setValidator(ParameterValidator validator)
Sets a new ParameterValidator for this SimpleParameter.

validator - the new parameter validator


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public void toGalaxy(String namePrefix,
                     String configPrefix,
                     int depth,
                     StringBuffer descBuffer,
                     StringBuffer configBuffer)
              throws Exception
Description copied from interface: GalaxyConvertible
Creates an Galaxy XML-representation of the parameters and appends it to descBuffer and variable configuration and appends it to configBuffer. The variable configuation is also used to parse user-supplied values returned by Galaxy.

Specified by:
toGalaxy in interface GalaxyConvertible
namePrefix - the prefix of the variable name used in Galaxy
configPrefix - the prefix for conditionals
depth - the depth in the parameter hierarchy, used for graphical representation of nesting
descBuffer - the buffer for the parameter description
configBuffer - the buffer for the configuration line
Exception - if the conversion fails


public void fromGalaxy(String namePrefix,
                       StringBuffer command)
                throws Exception
Description copied from interface: GalaxyConvertible
Parses the contents of command in the format defined by configBuffer of GalaxyConvertible.toGalaxy(String, String, int, StringBuffer, StringBuffer) and sets the values of the Parameter or ParameterSet accordingly.

Specified by:
fromGalaxy in interface GalaxyConvertible
namePrefix - the prefix of the variable name
command - the command string
Exception - if the command string could not be parsed