Package de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.logPrior

Provides a general definition of a parameter log-prior and a number of implementations of Laplace and Gaussian priors


Class Summary
CompositeLogPrior This class implements a composite prior that can be used for DifferentiableStatisticalModel.
DoesNothingLogPrior This class defines a LogPrior that does not penalize any parameter.
LogPrior The abstract class for any log-prior used e.g. for maximum supervised posterior optimization.
SeparateGaussianLogPrior Class for a LogPrior that defines a Gaussian prior on the parameters of a set of DifferentiableStatisticalModels and a set of class parameters.
SeparateLaplaceLogPrior Class for a LogPrior that defines a Laplace prior on the parameters of a set of DifferentiableStatisticalModels and a set of class parameters.
SeparateLogPrior Abstract class for priors that penalize each parameter value independently and have some variances (and possible means) as hyperparameters.
SimpleGaussianSumLogPrior This class implements a prior that is a product of Gaussian distributions with mean 0 and equal variance for each parameter.

Package de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.logPrior Description

Provides a general definition of a parameter log-prior and a number of implementations of Laplace and Gaussian priors.