Class BayesianNetworkTrainSM

  extended by de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel
      extended by de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
          extended by de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.InhomogeneousDGTrainSM
              extended by de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.DAGTrainSM
                  extended by de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.BayesianNetworkTrainSM
All Implemented Interfaces:
InstantiableFromParameterSet, SequenceScore, StatisticalModel, TrainableStatisticalModel, Storable, Cloneable

public class BayesianNetworkTrainSM
extends DAGTrainSM

The class implements a Bayesian network ( StructureLearner.ModelType.BN ) of fixed order. It allows the user to specify some kinds of specializations of BNs including inhomogeneous Markov models ( StructureLearner.ModelType.IMM ) and permuted Markov models ( StructureLearner.ModelType.PMM ).

Jens Keilwagen
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.DAGTrainSM
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.InhomogeneousDGTrainSM
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
params, trained
Fields inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel
alphabets, length
Constructor Summary
BayesianNetworkTrainSM(BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet params)
          Creates a new BayesianNetworkTrainSM from a given BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet.
BayesianNetworkTrainSM(StringBuffer representation)
          The standard constructor for the interface Storable.
Method Summary
 BayesianNetworkTrainSM clone()
          Follows the conventions of Object's clone()-method.
protected  int[] count(int[][] structure, byte maxOrder)
          Counts the occurrence of the different indegrees and checks if the conventions are met.
 String getInstanceName()
          Should return a short instance name such as iMM(0), BN(2), ...
 double getLogPriorTerm()
          Returns a value that is proportional to the log of the prior.
 byte getMaximalMarkovOrder()
          This method returns the maximal used Markov order, if possible.
protected  String getXMLTag()
          Returns the XML tag that is used for this model in DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.fromXML(StringBuffer) and DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.toXML().
protected  void set(DGTrainSMParameterSet parameter, boolean trained)
          Sets the parameters as internal parameters and does some essential computations.
 void train(DataSet data, double[] weights)
          Trains the TrainableStatisticalModel object given the data as DataSet using the specified weights.
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.DAGTrainSM
checkAcyclic, createConstraints, drawParameters, emitDataSet, estimateParameters, getFurtherModelInfos, getLogProbFor, getNumericalCharacteristics, getStructure, setFurtherModelInfos, toString
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.InhomogeneousDGTrainSM
check, setOutputStream
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
fromXML, getCurrentParameterSet, getDescription, getESS, isInitialized, toXML
Methods inherited from class de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel
getAlphabetContainer, getCharacteristics, getLength, getLogProbFor, getLogProbFor, getLogScoreFor, getLogScoreFor, getLogScoreFor, getLogScoreFor, getLogScoreFor, train
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BayesianNetworkTrainSM(BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet params)
                       throws CloneNotSupportedException,
Creates a new BayesianNetworkTrainSM from a given BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet.

params - the given parameter set
CloneNotSupportedException - if the parameter set could not be cloned
IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter set is not instantiated
NonParsableException - if the parameter set is not parsable
See Also:


public BayesianNetworkTrainSM(StringBuffer representation)
                       throws NonParsableException
The standard constructor for the interface Storable. Creates a new BayesianNetworkTrainSM out of its XML representation.

representation - the XML representation as StringBuffer
NonParsableException - if the BayesianNetworkTrainSM could not be reconstructed out of the XML representation (the StringBuffer could not be parsed)
See Also:
Storable, DAGTrainSM.DAGTrainSM(StringBuffer)
Method Detail


public BayesianNetworkTrainSM clone()
                             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Description copied from class: AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel
Follows the conventions of Object's clone()-method.

Specified by:
clone in interface SequenceScore
Specified by:
clone in interface TrainableStatisticalModel
clone in class DAGTrainSM
an object, that is a copy of the current AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel (the member-AlphabetContainer isn't deeply cloned since it is assumed to be immutable). The type of the returned object is defined by the class X directly inherited from AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel. Hence X's clone()-method should work as:
1. Object o = (X)super.clone();
2. all additional member variables of o defined by X that are not of simple data-types like int, double, ... have to be deeply copied
3. return o
CloneNotSupportedException - if something went wrong while cloning


public String getInstanceName()
Description copied from interface: SequenceScore
Should return a short instance name such as iMM(0), BN(2), ...

a short instance name


protected String getXMLTag()
Description copied from class: DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
Returns the XML tag that is used for this model in DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.fromXML(StringBuffer) and DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.toXML().

Specified by:
getXMLTag in class DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
the XML tag that is used in DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.fromXML(StringBuffer) and DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.toXML()
See Also:
DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.fromXML(StringBuffer), DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM.toXML()


public void train(DataSet data,
                  double[] weights)
           throws Exception
Description copied from interface: TrainableStatisticalModel
Trains the TrainableStatisticalModel object given the data as DataSet using the specified weights. The weight at position i belongs to the element at position i. So the array weight should have the number of sequences in the sample as dimension. (Optionally it is possible to use weight == null if all weights have the value one.)
This method should work non-incrementally. That means the result of the following series: train(data1); train(data2) should be a fully trained model over data2 and not over data1+data2. All parameters of the model were given by the call of the constructor.

data - the given sequences as DataSet
weights - the weights of the elements, each weight should be non-negative
Exception - if the training did not succeed (e.g. the dimension of weights and the number of sequences in the sample do not match)
See Also:
DataSet.getElementAt(int), DataSet.ElementEnumerator


public double getLogPriorTerm()
                       throws Exception
Description copied from interface: StatisticalModel
Returns a value that is proportional to the log of the prior. For maximum likelihood (ML) 0 should be returned.

Specified by:
getLogPriorTerm in interface StatisticalModel
getLogPriorTerm in class DAGTrainSM
a value that is proportional to the log of the prior
Exception - if something went wrong


public byte getMaximalMarkovOrder()
Description copied from interface: StatisticalModel
This method returns the maximal used Markov order, if possible.

Specified by:
getMaximalMarkovOrder in interface StatisticalModel
getMaximalMarkovOrder in class AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel
maximal used Markov order


protected int[] count(int[][] structure,
                      byte maxOrder)
Counts the occurrence of the different indegrees and checks if the conventions are met.

structure - the structure
maxOrder - the maximal order
an int-array containing the occurrence of indegrees


protected void set(DGTrainSMParameterSet parameter,
                   boolean trained)
            throws CloneNotSupportedException,
Description copied from class: DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
Sets the parameters as internal parameters and does some essential computations. Used in fromParameterSet-methods.

set in class InhomogeneousDGTrainSM
parameter - the new ParameterSet
trained - indicates if the model is trained or not
CloneNotSupportedException - if the parameter set could not be cloned
NonParsableException - if the parameters of the model could not be parsed