Package de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization

Provides classes for different types of algorithms that are not directly linked to the modelling components of Jstacs: Algorithms on graphs, algorithms for numerical optimization, and a basic alignment algorithm.


Interface Summary
Function This interface is the framework for any mathematical function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$.
StartDistanceForecaster This interface is used to determine the next start distance that will be used in a line search.

Class Summary
ConstantStartDistance The most simple StartDistanceForecaster that returns always the same value.
DifferentiableFunction This class is the framework for any (at least) one time differentiable function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$.
LimitedMedianStartDistance This class implements a StartDistanceForecaster that uses the median of a limited memory over the last values.
NegativeDifferentiableFunction The negative function -f for a given DifferentiableFunction f.
NegativeFunction The negative function -f for a given Function f.
NegativeOneDimensionalFunction This class extends the class OneDimensionalFunction.
NumericalDifferentiableFunction This class is the framework for any numerical differentiable function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$.
OneDimensionalFunction This class implements the interface Function for an one-dimensional function.
OneDimensionalSubFunction This class is used to do the line search.
Optimizer This class can be used for optimization purposes.
QuadraticFunction This class implements a quadratic function.

Exception Summary
DimensionException This class is for Exceptions depending on wrong dimensions of vectors for a given function.
EvaluationException This class indicates that there was a problem to evaluate a function or the gradient of the function.
TerminationException This class is for an Exception that is thrown if something with a termination was not correct.

Package de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization Description

Provides classes for different types of algorithms that are not directly linked to the modelling components of Jstacs: Algorithms on graphs, algorithms for numerical optimization, and a basic alignment algorithm.