Jstacs 2.1 API Specification

de.jstacs This package is the root package for the most and important packages.
de.jstacs.algorithms.alignment Provides classes for alignments.
de.jstacs.algorithms.alignment.cost Provides classes for cost functions used in alignments.
de.jstacs.algorithms.graphs Provides classes for algorithms on graphs.
de.jstacs.algorithms.graphs.tensor Provides classes to represent symmetric and asymmetric tensors in graphs.
de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization Provides classes for different types of algorithms that are not directly linked to the modelling components of Jstacs: Algorithms on graphs, algorithms for numerical optimization, and a basic alignment algorithm.
de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization.termination Provides classes for termination conditions that can be used in algorithms.
de.jstacs.classifiers This package provides the framework for any classifier.
de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment This package allows to assess classifiers.

It contains the class ClassifierAssessment that is used as a super-class of all implemented methodologies of an assessment to assess classifiers.
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased Provides the classes for Classifiers that are based on SequenceScores.
It includes a sub-package for discriminative objective functions, namely conditional likelihood and supervised posterior, and a separate sub-package for the parameter priors, that can be used for the supervised posterior.
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.gendismix Provides an implementation of a classifier that allows to train the parameters of a set of DifferentiableStatisticalModels by a unified generative-discriminative learning principle.
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.logPrior Provides a general definition of a parameter log-prior and a number of implementations of Laplace and Gaussian priors.
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.msp Provides an implementation of a classifier that allows to train the parameters of a set of DifferentiableStatisticalModels either by maximum supervised posterior (MSP) or by maximum conditional likelihood (MCL).
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.sampling Provides the classes for AbstractScoreBasedClassifiers that are based on SamplingDifferentiableStatisticalModels and that sample parameters using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
de.jstacs.classifiers.performanceMeasures This package provides the implementations of performance measures that can be used to assess any classifier.
de.jstacs.classifiers.trainSMBased Provides the classes for Classifiers that are based on TrainableStatisticalModels.
de.jstacs.classifiers.utils Provides some useful classes for working with classifiers.
de.jstacs.data Provides classes for the representation of data.
The base classes to represent data are Alphabet and AlphabetContainer for representing alphabets, Sequence and its sub-classes to represent continuous and discrete sequences, and DataSet to represent data sets comprising a set of sequences.
de.jstacs.data.alphabets Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences.
de.jstacs.data.bioJava Provides an adapter between the representation of data in BioJava and the representation used in Jstacs.
de.jstacs.data.sequences Provides classes for representing sequences.
The implementations of sequences currently include DiscreteSequences prepared for alphabets of different sizes, and ArbitrarySequences that may contain continuous values as well.
As sub-package provides the facilities to annotate Sequences.
de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation Provides the facilities to annotate Sequences using a number of pre-defined annotation types, or additional implementations of the SequenceAnnotation class.
de.jstacs.io Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation.
de.jstacs.motifDiscovery This package provides the framework including the interface for any de novo motif discoverer.
de.jstacs.parameters This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface.
de.jstacs.parameters.validation Provides classes for the validation of Parameter values.
de.jstacs.results This package provides classes for results and sets of results.
de.jstacs.sampling This package contains many classes that can be used while a sampling.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores Provides all SequenceScores, which can be used to score a Sequence, typically using some model assumptions.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels Provides all StatisticalModels, which can compute a proper (i.e., normalized) likelihood over the input space of sequences.
StatisticalModels can be further differentiated into TrainableStatisticalModels, which can be learned from a single input DataSet, and DifferentiableStatisticalModels, which define a proper likelihood but can also compute gradients like DifferentiableSequenceScores.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable Provides all DifferentiableStatisticalModels, which can compute the gradient with respect to their parameters for a given input Sequence.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels Provides DifferentiableStatisticalModels that are directed graphical models.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM as a Bayesian tree using a number of measures to define a rating of structures.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM as a permuted Markov model using a number of measures to define a rating of structures.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.homogeneous Provides DifferentiableStatisticalModels that are homogeneous, i.e.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.mixture Provides DifferentiableSequenceScores that are mixtures of other DifferentiableSequenceScores.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable Provides all TrainableStatisticalModels, which can be learned from a single DataSet.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous This package contains various inhomogeneous models.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm The package provides all interfaces and classes for a hidden Markov model (HMM).
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.states The package provides all interfaces and classes for states used in hidden Markov models.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.training The package provides all classes used to determine the training algorithm of a hidden Markov model.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.transitions The package provides all interfaces and classes for transitions used in hidden Markov models.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.mixture This package is the super package for any mixture model.
de.jstacs.utils This package contains a bundle of useful classes and interfaces like ...
de.jstacs.utils.random This package contains some classes for generating random numbers.