Package de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.mixture

This package is the super package for any mixture model.


Class Summary
AbstractMixtureTrainSM This is the abstract class for all kinds of mixture models.
MixtureTrainSM The class for a mixture model of any TrainableStatisticalModels.
StrandTrainSM This model handles sequences that can either lie on the forward strand or on the reverse complementary strand.

Enum Summary
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Algorithm This enum defines the different types of algorithms that can be used in an AbstractMixtureTrainSM.
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization This enum defines the different types of parameterization for a probability that can be used in an AbstractMixtureTrainSM.

Package de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.mixture Description

This package is the super package for any mixture model. The most interesting class of this package is the AbstractMixtureTrainSM. This class currently enables to train the model using EM or Gibbs Sampling. All mixtures of TrainableStatisticalModels should be extensions of AbstractMixtureTrainSM.

See Also: