Package de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.homogeneous

Provides DifferentiableStatisticalModels that are homogeneous, i.e.


Class Summary
HomogeneousDiffSM This is the main class for all homogeneous DifferentiableSequenceScores.
HomogeneousMM0DiffSM This scoring function implements a homogeneous Markov model of order zero (hMM(0)) for a fixed sequence length.
HomogeneousMMDiffSM This scoring function implements a homogeneous Markov model of arbitrary order for any sequence length.
UniformHomogeneousDiffSM This scoring function does nothing.

Package de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.homogeneous Description

Provides DifferentiableStatisticalModels that are homogeneous, i.e. model probabilities or scores independent of the position within a sequence.