
Provides the facilities to annotate Sequences using a number of pre-defined annotation types, or additional implementations of the SequenceAnnotation class.


Interface Summary
SequenceAnnotationParser This interface declares the methods which are used by AbstractStringExtractor to annotate a String which will be parsed to a Sequence.

Class Summary
CisRegulatoryModuleAnnotation Annotation for a cis-regulatory module as defined by a set of MotifAnnotations of the motifs in the module.
IntronAnnotation Annotation class for an intron as defined by a donor and an acceptor splice site.
LocatedSequenceAnnotation Class for a SequenceAnnotation that has a position on the sequence, e.g for transcription start sites or intron-exon junctions.
LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength Class for a SequenceAnnotation that has a position on the sequence and a length, e.g.
MotifAnnotation Class for a StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength that is a motif.
MotifAnnotationParser Annotation parser for MotifAnnotations.
NullSequenceAnnotationParser This SequenceAnnotationParser returns always null as SequenceAnnotation.
ReferenceSequenceAnnotation This class implements a SequenceAnnotation that contains a reference sequence.
ReferenceSequenceAnnotationParser This class implements an SequenceAnnotationParser that parses a ReferenceSequenceAnnotation from the comment lines of a sequence.
SequenceAnnotation Class for a general annotation of a Sequence.
SimpleSequenceAnnotationParser This class implements a naive SequenceAnnotationParser which simply paste the comments into SequenceAnnotation.
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation Class for some annotations that consist mainly of one position on a sequence.
SplitSequenceAnnotationParser This class implements a simple SequenceAnnotationParser which simply splits the comments by specific delimiters.
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength Class for a SequenceAnnotation that has a position, a length and an orientation on the strand of a Sequence.

Enum Summary
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation.Type This enum defines possible types of a SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation.
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand This enum defines possible orientations on the strands.

Package Description

Provides the facilities to annotate Sequences using a number of pre-defined annotation types, or additional implementations of the SequenceAnnotation class.