Package de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.parameters

Class Summary
BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet The ParameterSet for the class BayesianNetworkTrainSM.
ConstraintParameterSet This class enables you to input your own structure defined by some constraints.
FSDAGModelForGibbsSamplingParameterSet The class for the parameters of a FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling.
FSDAGTrainSMParameterSet The class for the parameters of a FSDAGTrainSM (fixed structure directed acyclic graphical model).
FSMEMParameterSet The ParameterSet for a FSMEManager.
IDGTrainSMParameterSet This is the abstract container of parameters that is a root container for all inhomogeneous discrete graphical model parameter containers.
MEManagerParameterSet The ParameterSet for any MEManager.