
Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences.


Class Summary
Alphabet Class for a set of symbols, i.e.
Alphabet.AlphabetParameterSet<T extends Alphabet> The super class for the InstanceParameterSet of any Alphabet.
ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet This abstract class indicates that an alphabet can be used to compute the complement.
ContinuousAlphabet Class for a continuous alphabet.
ContinuousAlphabet.ContinuousAlphabetParameterSet Class for the ParameterSet of a ContinuousAlphabet.
DiscreteAlphabet Class for an alphabet that consists of arbitrary Strings.
DiscreteAlphabet.DiscreteAlphabetParameterSet Class for the ParameterSet of a DiscreteAlphabet.
DiscreteAlphabetMapping This class implements the transformation of discrete values to other discrete values which define a DiscreteAlphabet.
DNAAlphabet This class implements the discrete alphabet that is used for DNA.
DNAAlphabet.DNAAlphabetParameterSet The parameter set for a DNAAlphabet.
DNAAlphabetContainer This class implements a singleton for an AlphabetContainer that can be used for DNA.
DNAAlphabetContainer.DNAAlphabetContainerParameterSet This class implements a singleton for the ParameterSet of a DNAAlphabetContainer.
GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet This class implements an generic complementable discrete alphabet.
GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet.GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabetParameterSet This class is used as container for the parameters of a GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet.
ProteinAlphabet This class implements the discrete alphabet that is used for proteins (one letter code).
ProteinAlphabet.ProteinAlphabetParameterSet The parameter set for a ProteinAlphabet.

Exception Summary
DoubleSymbolException A DoubleSymbolException is thrown if a symbol occurred more than once in an alphabet.

Package Description

Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences.