Package de.jstacs.classifiers

This package provides the framework for any classifier.


Class Summary
AbstractClassifier The super class for any classifier.
AbstractScoreBasedClassifier This class is the main class for all score based classifiers.
AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult This class is for Results given as a table of double s.
ClassifierFactory This class allows to easily create classifiers from TrainableStatisticalModels, DifferentiableStatisticalModels, and DifferentiableSequenceScores.
MappingClassifier This class allows the user to train the classifier on a given number of classes and to evaluate the classifier on a smaller number of classes by mapping classes together.

Exception Summary
ClassDimensionException This class indicates that a classifier is defined for less than 2 classes or is defined over a different number of classes than given (e.g.

Package de.jstacs.classifiers Description

This package provides the framework for any classifier. The base class in this package is the class AbstractClassifier.
All classifiers divide into two regimes: Those using TrainableStatisticalModels and those using DifferentiableStatisticalModels.
As a sub-package this package also provides the classes for the assessment of classifiers.