Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet
de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment This package allows to assess classifiers.

It contains the class ClassifierAssessment that is used as a super-class of all implemented methodologies of an assessment to assess classifiers. 

Uses of ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment

Classes in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment with type parameters of type ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet
 class ClassifierAssessment<T extends ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet>
          Class defining an assessment of classifiers.

Subclasses of ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment
 class KFoldCrossValidationAssessParameterSet
          This class implements a ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet that must be used to call method assess( ...
 class RepeatedHoldOutAssessParameterSet
          This class implements a ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet that must be used to call method assess( ...
 class RepeatedSubSamplingAssessParameterSet
          This class implements a ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet that must be used to call method assess( ...
 class Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutAssessParameterSet
          This class implements a ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet that must be used to call the method assess( ...

Methods in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment with parameters of type ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet
 ListResult KFoldCrossValidation.assessWithPredefinedSplits(NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet caaps, ProgressUpdater pU, DataSet[][] splitData, double[][][] splitWeights)
          This method implements a k-fold crossvalidation on previously split data.