Uses of Class

Packages that use DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing Provides classes for the representation of data.
The base classes to represent data are Alphabet and AlphabetContainer for representing alphabets, Sequence and its sub-classes to represent continuous and discrete sequences, and DataSet to represent data sets comprising a set of sequences. 

Uses of DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing in

Subclasses of DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing in
static class DinucleotideProperty.MeanSmoothing
          Smoothing by mean using a pre-defined window width.
static class DinucleotideProperty.MedianSmoothing
          Smoothing by median using a pre-defined window width.
static class DinucleotideProperty.NoSmoothing
          Implementation of DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing that conducts no smoothing.

Fields in declared as DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing
static DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing DinucleotideProperty.NO_SMOOTHING

Methods in with parameters of type DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing
static DataSet DinucleotideProperty.getDataSetForProperty(DataSet original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, boolean addToAnnotation, DinucleotideProperty... properties)
          Creates a new DataSet by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotidePropertys properties and adding or setting these as ReferenceSequenceAnnotation of each original sequence.
static DataSet DinucleotideProperty.getDataSetForProperty(DataSet original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, boolean originalAsAnnotation, DinucleotideProperty property)
          Creates a new DataSet by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotideProperty property using the DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing.
 double[] DinucleotideProperty.getProperty(Sequence original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing)
          Computes this dinucleotide property for all overlapping twomers in original, smoothes the result using smoothing, and returns the smoothed property as a double array.
 Sequence DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyAsSequence(Sequence original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing)
          Computes this dinucleotide property for all overlapping twomers in original, smoothes the result using smoothing, and returns the smoothed property as a Sequence.
static ImageResult DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyImage(DataSet original, DinucleotideProperty prop, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, REnvironment re, int xLeft, String pltOptions, int width, int height)
static ImageResult DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyImage(Sequence original, DinucleotideProperty prop, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, REnvironment re, int xLeft, String pltOptions, int width, int height)