Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSelectionParameter.InconsistentCollectionException
de.jstacs.parameters This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface. 

Uses of AbstractSelectionParameter.InconsistentCollectionException in de.jstacs.parameters

Methods in de.jstacs.parameters that throw AbstractSelectionParameter.InconsistentCollectionException
protected  void AbstractSelectionParameter.createParameterSet(Object[] values, String[] keys, String[] comments)
          Creates a new ParameterSet from an array of values, an array of names and an array of comments.

Constructors in de.jstacs.parameters that throw AbstractSelectionParameter.InconsistentCollectionException
AbstractSelectionParameter(DataType datatype, String[] keys, Object[] values, String[] comments, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a AbstractSelectionParameter.
AbstractSelectionParameter(DataType datatype, String[] keys, Object[] values, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a AbstractSelectionParameter of SimpleParameters.
MultiSelectionParameter(DataType datatype, String[] keys, Object[] values, String[] comments, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a MultiSelectionParameter.
MultiSelectionParameter(DataType datatype, String[] keys, Object[] values, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a MultiSelectionParameter.
SelectionParameter(DataType datatype, String[] keys, Object[] values, String[] comments, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a SelectionParameter.
SelectionParameter(DataType datatype, String[] keys, Object[] values, String name, String comment, boolean required)
          Constructor for a SelectionParameter.