Uses of Class

Packages that use Parameter Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation. 
de.jstacs.parameters This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface. 

Uses of Parameter in

Methods in with parameters of type Parameter
static boolean ParameterSetParser.getBooleanFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the boolean which is the value of the Parameter par.
static byte ParameterSetParser.getByteFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the byte which is the value of the Parameter par.
static double ParameterSetParser.getDoubleFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the double which is the value of the Parameter par.
static float ParameterSetParser.getFloatFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the float which is the value of the Parameter par.
static int ParameterSetParser.getIntFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the int which is the value of the Parameter par.
static long ParameterSetParser.getLongFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the long which is the value of the Parameter par.
static short ParameterSetParser.getShortFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the short which is the value of the Parameter par.
static String ParameterSetParser.getStringFromParameter(Parameter par)
          Returns the String which is the value of the Parameter par.

Uses of Parameter in de.jstacs.parameters

Subclasses of Parameter in de.jstacs.parameters
 class AbstractSelectionParameter
          Class for a collection parameter, i.e.
 class EnumParameter
          This class implements a SelectionParameter based on an Enum.
 class FileParameter
          Class for a Parameter that represents a local file.
 class MultiSelectionParameter
          Class for a Parameter that provides a collection of possible values.
 class ParameterSetContainer
          Class for a ParameterSetContainer that contains a ParameterSet as value.
 class RangeParameter
          Class for a parameter wrapper that allows SimpleParameters to be set to a set of values.
These values may be given either as a list of values separated by spaces, as a range between a first and a last value with a given number of steps between these values, or a single value.
 class SelectionParameter
          Class for a collection parameter, i.e.
 class SimpleParameter
          Class for a "simple" parameter.

Fields in de.jstacs.parameters declared as Parameter
protected  Parameter SequenceScoringParameterSet.alphabet
          The alphabet the model works on
protected  Parameter SequenceScoringParameterSet.length
          The length of sequences the model can work on or 0 for arbitrary length

Methods in de.jstacs.parameters that return Parameter
 Parameter Parameter.clone()
 Parameter SequenceScoringParameterSet.getParameterAt(int i)
 Parameter ParameterSet.getParameterAt(int i)
          Returns the Parameter at position i.
 Parameter ArrayParameterSet.getParameterAt(int i)
 Parameter ParameterSet.getParameterForName(String name)
          Returns the Parameter with name name.
 Parameter ParameterSetTagger.getParameterFromTag(String tag)
          This method returns the Parameter specified by the tag
 Parameter SimpleParameter.getRangedInstance()
 Parameter Rangeable.getRangedInstance()
          Returns an instance of RangeIterator that has the same properties as the current instance, but accepts a range or list of values.

Methods in de.jstacs.parameters with parameters of type Parameter
 void ParameterSet.ParameterList.add(int idx, Parameter p)
 void ParameterSet.ParameterList.add(Parameter... p)
 boolean Parameter.isComparable(Parameter p)
          This method checks whether the given Parameter is comparable to the current instance, i.e.
 void ParameterSet.ParameterList.set(int idx, Parameter p)

Method parameters in de.jstacs.parameters with type arguments of type Parameter
 String ParameterSetTagger.toString(Comparator<Map.Entry<String,ComparableElement<Parameter,Integer>>> ec)
          This method allows to get a String representation where the tagged parameters are sorted in some specific way.

Constructors in de.jstacs.parameters with parameters of type Parameter
ParameterSet(Parameter... parameters)
          Constructs a ParameterSet out of an array of Parameters.
SimpleParameterSet(Parameter... parameters)
          Creates a new SimpleParameterSet from an array of Parameters.

Constructor parameters in de.jstacs.parameters with type arguments of type Parameter
ParameterSet(ArrayList<Parameter> parameters)
          Constructs a ParameterSet out of an ArrayList of Parameters.

Uses of Parameter in de.jstacs.utils.galaxy

Subclasses of Parameter in de.jstacs.utils.galaxy
 class MultilineSimpleParameter
          An extension of SimpleParameter that renders as a textarea in Galaxy, which is only suitable for DataType.STRINGs.