Uses of Class

Packages that use MeanResultSet.AdditionImpossibleException
de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment This package allows to assess classifiers.

It contains the class ClassifierAssessment that is used as a super-class of all implemented methodologies of an assessment to assess classifiers. 
de.jstacs.results This package provides classes for results and sets of results. 

Uses of MeanResultSet.AdditionImpossibleException in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment

Methods in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment that throw MeanResultSet.AdditionImpossibleException
protected  void ClassifierAssessment.test(NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp, boolean exception, DataSet[] testS, double[][] weights)
          Uses the given test data sets to call the evaluate( ...

Uses of MeanResultSet.AdditionImpossibleException in de.jstacs.results

Methods in de.jstacs.results that throw MeanResultSet.AdditionImpossibleException
static MeanResultSet MeanResultSet.addResults(MeanResultSet r1, MeanResultSet r2)
          Adds two MeanResultSets together.
 void MeanResultSet.addResults(NumericalResultSet... rs)
          Adds NumericalResultSets to this MeanResultSet.