Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleResult
de.jstacs.results This package provides classes for results and sets of results. 

Uses of SimpleResult in de.jstacs.results

Subclasses of SimpleResult in de.jstacs.results
 class CategoricalResult
          A class for categorical results (i.e.
 class NumericalResult
          Class for numerical Result values.

Methods in de.jstacs.results with parameters of type SimpleResult
 int SimpleResult.compareTo(SimpleResult r)

Constructors in de.jstacs.results with parameters of type SimpleResult
MeanResultSet(boolean aggregateAll, SimpleResult... infos)
          Constructs a new MeanResultSet with an empty set of NumericalResultSets and allows to collect all values via the switch aggregateAll.
MeanResultSet(SimpleResult... infos)
          Constructs a new MeanResultSet with an empty set of NumericalResultSets.