Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBurnInTest
de.jstacs.sampling This package contains many classes that can be used while a sampling. The package provides all classes used to determine the training algorithm of a hidden Markov model. 

Uses of AbstractBurnInTest in de.jstacs.sampling

Subclasses of AbstractBurnInTest in de.jstacs.sampling
 class VarianceRatioBurnInTest
          In this class the Variance-Ratio method of Gelman and Rubin is implemented to test the length of the burn-in phase of a multi-chain Gibbs Sampling (number of chains >2).

Methods in de.jstacs.sampling that return AbstractBurnInTest
 AbstractBurnInTest AbstractBurnInTest.clone()

Constructor parameters in de.jstacs.sampling with type arguments of type AbstractBurnInTest
AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet(Class<? extends AbstractBurnInTest> instanceClass)
          Creates a new AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet with empty parameter values.
AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet(Class<? extends AbstractBurnInTest> instanceClass, int starts)
          Creates a new AbstractBurnInTestParameterSet with pre-defined parameter values.

Uses of AbstractBurnInTest in

Methods in that return AbstractBurnInTest
 AbstractBurnInTest SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet.getBurnInTest()
          This method return the burn in test to be used during sampling.