Uses of Class

Packages that use PFMComparator.PFMDistance
de.jstacs.utils This package contains a bundle of useful classes and interfaces like ... 

Uses of PFMComparator.PFMDistance in de.jstacs.utils

Subclasses of PFMComparator.PFMDistance in de.jstacs.utils
static class PFMComparator.NormalizedEuclideanDistance
          This class implements the normalized Euclidean distance.
static class PFMComparator.OneMinusPearsonCorrelationCoefficient
          This class implements the Pearson correlation coefficient.
static class PFMComparator.SymmetricKullbackLeiblerDivergence
          This class implements the symmetric Kullback-Leibler-divergence.

Methods in de.jstacs.utils with parameters of type PFMComparator.PFMDistance
static ComparableElement<String,Double>[] PFMComparator.find(ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet abc, double[][] pfm, ArrayList<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String,double[][]>> knownPFMs, PFMComparator.PFMDistance distance, int minOverlap, int allowMiniShift, boolean pValues, double threshold)
          This methods finds for a user specified PFM pfm similar PFMs in a list of known PFMs.