
Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation


Class Summary
AbstractStringExtractor This class implements the reader that extracts strings.
ArrayHandler This class handles arrays with elements of generic type and enables the user to cast and clone arrays easily.
CombinedFileFilter This class allows to combine several FileFilters.
DateFileFilter This class implements a FileFilter that accepts Files that were modified after the date that is given in the constructor.
FileManager This class is for handling Files.
InfixStringExtractor This class implements an AbstractStringExtractor that can be seen as a filter.
LimitedStringExtractor This AbstractStringExtractor allows to read only a limited amount of data.
ParameterSetParser This class extracts values from Parameters and creates instances of InstantiableFromParameterSets from a ParameterSet.
RegExFilenameFilter A simple filter on Files that accepts Files with a specific regular expression in the filename.
SimpleStringExtractor This is a simple class that extracts Strings.
SparseStringExtractor This StringExtractor reads the Strings from a File as the user asks for the String.
StringExtractor This class implements the reader that extracts Strings from either a File or a String.
SymbolExtractor This class enables you to extract elements (symbols) from a given String similar to a StringTokenizer.
XMLParser Class for parsing standard data types and arrays in and out of an XML File.

Exception Summary
ParameterSetParser.NotInstantiableException An Exception that is thrown if an instance of some class could not be created.
ParameterSetParser.WrongParameterTypeException An Exception that is thrown if the DataType of a Parameter is not appropriate for some purpose.

Package Description

Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation.