Uses of Class

Packages that use HigherOrderHMM.Type
de.jstacs.models.hmm.models The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM 

Uses of HigherOrderHMM.Type in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models

Fields in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models declared as HigherOrderHMM.Type
protected  HigherOrderHMM.Type DifferentiableHigherOrderHMM.score
          The type of the score that is evaluated

Methods in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models that return HigherOrderHMM.Type
static HigherOrderHMM.Type HigherOrderHMM.Type.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static HigherOrderHMM.Type[] HigherOrderHMM.Type.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models with parameters of type HigherOrderHMM.Type
protected  void HigherOrderHMM.fillBwdOrViterbiMatrix(HigherOrderHMM.Type t, int startPos, int endPos, double weight, Sequence seq)
          This method computes the entries of the backward or the viterbi matrix.