Uses of Class

Packages that use DoubleSymbolException Provides classes for the representation of data.
The base classes to represent data are Alphabet and AlphabetContainer for representing alphabets, Sequence and its sub-classes to represent continuous and discrete sequences, and DataSet to represent data sets comprising a set of sequences. Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences. 

Uses of DoubleSymbolException in

Constructors in that throw DoubleSymbolException
AlphabetContainer(AlphabetContainerParameterSet parameters)
          Creates a new AlphabetContainer from an AlphabetContainerParameterSet that contains all necessary parameters.

Uses of DoubleSymbolException in

Constructors in that throw DoubleSymbolException
ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet(boolean caseInsensitive, String... alphabet)
          Creates a new ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet from a given array of symbols.
ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet(DiscreteAlphabet.DiscreteAlphabetParameterSet parameters)
          The constructor for the InstantiableFromParameterSet interface.
DiscreteAlphabet(boolean caseInsensitive, String... alphabet)
          Creates a new DiscreteAlphabet from a given alphabet as a String array.
DiscreteAlphabet(DiscreteAlphabet.DiscreteAlphabetParameterSet parameters)
          The constructor for the InstantiableFromParameterSet interface.
GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet(boolean caseInsensitive, String[] alphabet, int[] revComp)
          The main constructor.
GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet(GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet.GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabetParameterSet parameters)
          This constructor creates a GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet from a parameter set.