Uses of Interface

Packages that use InstantiableFromParameterSet
de.jstacs This package is the root package for the most and important packages. 
de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization.termination Provides classes for termination conditions that can be used in algorithms Provides classes for the representation of data. Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation 
de.jstacs.parameters This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface. 
de.jstacs.sampling This package contains many classes that can be used while a sampling. 
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels Provides DifferentiableStatisticalModels that are directed graphical models. 
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM as a Bayesian tree using a number of measures to define a rating of structures 
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM as a permuted Markov model using a number of measures to define a rating of structures 
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous This package contains various inhomogeneous models. 
de.jstacs.utils This package contains a bundle of useful classes and interfaces like ... 

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs

Methods in de.jstacs that return types with arguments of type InstantiableFromParameterSet
 InstanceParameterSet<? extends InstantiableFromParameterSet> InstantiableFromParameterSet.getCurrentParameterSet()
          Returns the InstanceParameterSet that has been used to instantiate the current instance of the implementing class.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization.termination

Subinterfaces of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization.termination
 interface TerminationCondition
          This interface can be used in any iterative algorithm for determining the end of the algorithm.

Classes in de.jstacs.algorithms.optimization.termination that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class AbsoluteValueCondition
          Deprecated. use of the absolute value condition is not recommended and it may be removed in future releases
 class AbstractTerminationCondition
          This class is the abstract super class of many TerminationConditions.
 class CombinedCondition
          This class allows to use many TerminationConditions at once.
 class IterationCondition
          This class will stop an optimization if the number of iteration reaches a given number.
 class SmallDifferenceOfFunctionEvaluationsCondition
          This class implements a TerminationCondition that stops an optimization if the difference of the current and the last function evaluations will be small, i.e., $|f(\underline{x}_{i-1}) - f(\underline{x}_i)| < \epsilon$.
 class SmallGradientConditon
          This class implements a TerminationCondition that allows no further iteration in an optimization if the the gradient becomes small, i.e., $\sum_i \left|\frac{\partial f(\underline{x})}{\partial x_i}\right| < \epsilon$.
 class SmallStepCondition
          This class implements a TerminationCondition that allows no further iteration in an optimization if the scalar product of the current and the last values of x will be small, i.e., $(\underline{x}_i-\underline{x}_{i-1})^T (\underline{x}_i-\underline{x}_{i-1}) < \epsilon$.
 class TimeCondition
          This class implements a TerminationCondition that stops the optimization if the elapsed time in seconds is greater than a given value.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in

Classes in that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class AlphabetContainer
          The container for Alphabets used in a Sequence, DataSet, AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel or ... .

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in

Classes in that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class Alphabet
          Class for a set of symbols, i.e. an Alphabet.
 class ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet
          This abstract class indicates that an alphabet can be used to compute the complement.
 class ContinuousAlphabet
          Class for a continuous alphabet.
 class DiscreteAlphabet
          Class for an alphabet that consists of arbitrary Strings.
 class DNAAlphabet
          This class implements the discrete alphabet that is used for DNA.
 class DNAAlphabetContainer
          This class implements a singleton for an AlphabetContainer that can be used for DNA.
 class GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet
          This class implements an generic complementable discrete alphabet.
 class ProteinAlphabet
          This class implements the discrete alphabet that is used for proteins (one letter code).

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in

Methods in with type parameters of type InstantiableFromParameterSet
<T extends InstantiableFromParameterSet>
ParameterSetParser.getInstanceFromParameterSet(InstanceParameterSet<T> pars)
          Returns an instance of a subclass of InstantiableFromParameterSet that can be instantiated by the InstanceParameterSet pars.
<T extends InstantiableFromParameterSet>
ParameterSetParser.getInstanceFromParameterSet(ParameterSet pars, Class<T> instanceClass)
          Returns an instance of a subclass of InstantiableFromParameterSet that can be instantiated by the ParameterSet pars.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.parameters

Classes in de.jstacs.parameters with type parameters of type InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class InstanceParameterSet<T extends InstantiableFromParameterSet>
          Container class for a set of Parameters that can be used to instantiate another class.
 class SequenceScoringParameterSet<T extends InstantiableFromParameterSet>
          Abstract class for a ParameterSet containing all parameters necessary to construct an Object that implements InstantiableFromParameterSet.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sampling

Classes in de.jstacs.sampling that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class AbstractBurnInTest
          This abstract class implements some of the methods of BurnInTest to alleviate the implementation of efficient and new burn-in tests.
 class VarianceRatioBurnInTest
          In this class the Variance-Ratio method of Gelman and Rubin is implemented to test the length of the burn-in phase of a multi-chain Gibbs Sampling (number of chains >2).

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class BayesianNetworkDiffSM
          This class implements a scoring function that is a moral directed graphical model, i.e. a moral Bayesian network.
 class MarkovModelDiffSM
          This class implements a AbstractDifferentiableStatisticalModel for an inhomogeneous Markov model.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class InhomogeneousMarkov
          Class for a network structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM that is an inhomogeneous Markov model.
 class Measure
          Class for structure measures that derive an optimal structure with respect to some criterion within a class of possible structures from data.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class BTExplainingAwayResidual
          Structure learning Measure that computes a maximum spanning tree based on the explaining away residual and uses the resulting tree structure as structure of a Bayesian tree (special case of a Bayesian network) in a BayesianNetworkDiffSM .
 class BTMutualInformation
          Structure learning Measure that computes a maximum spanning tree based on mutual information and uses the resulting tree structure as structure of a Bayesian tree (special case of a Bayesian network) in a BayesianNetworkDiffSM .

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class PMMExplainingAwayResidual
          Class for the network structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM that is a permuted Markov model based on the explaining away residual.
 class PMMMutualInformation
          Class for the network structure of a BayesianNetworkDiffSM that is a permuted Markov model based on mutual information.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class DiscreteGraphicalTrainSM
          This is the main class for all discrete graphical models (DGM).

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.homogeneous

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.homogeneous that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class HomogeneousMM
          This class implements homogeneous Markov models (hMM) of arbitrary order.
 class HomogeneousTrainSM
          This class implements homogeneous models of arbitrary order.

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous

Classes in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous that implement InstantiableFromParameterSet
 class BayesianNetworkTrainSM
          The class implements a Bayesian network ( StructureLearner.ModelType.BN ) of fixed order.
 class DAGTrainSM
          The abstract class for directed acyclic graphical models (DAGTrainSM).
 class FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling
          This is the class for a fixed structure directed acyclic graphical model (see FSDAGTrainSM) that can be used in a Gibbs sampling.
 class FSDAGTrainSM
          This class can be used for any discrete fixed structure directed acyclic graphical model ( FSDAGTrainSM).
 class InhomogeneousDGTrainSM
          This class is the main class for all inhomogeneous discrete graphical models (InhomogeneousDGTrainSM).

Uses of InstantiableFromParameterSet in de.jstacs.utils

Method parameters in de.jstacs.utils with type arguments of type InstantiableFromParameterSet
static LinkedList<Class<? extends InstanceParameterSet>> SubclassFinder.getParameterSetFor(Class<? extends InstantiableFromParameterSet> clazz)
          Returns a LinkedList of the classes of the InstanceParameterSets that can be used to instantiate the sub-class of InstantiableFromParameterSet that is given by clazz