Uses of Class

Packages that use ParameterException
de.jstacs.classifier This package provides the framework for any classifier. Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storables to an XML-representation 
de.jstacs.parameters This package provides classes for parameters that establish a general convention for the description of parameters as defined in the Parameter-interface. 

Uses of ParameterException in de.jstacs.classifier

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier that throw ParameterException
static MeasureParameters AbstractClassifier.getMeasuresForEvaluate()
          Returns an object of the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluate(MeasureParameters, boolean, Sample...).
static MeasureParameters AbstractClassifier.getMeasuresForEvaluateAll()
          Returns an object of the parameters for the method AbstractClassifier.evaluateAll(MeasureParameters, boolean, Sample...).
static double[][] ScoreBasedPerformanceMeasureDefinitions.getPartialROC(double[] scoresClass0, double[] scoresClass1, RangeParameter specs)
          This method allows to compute a partial ROC curve.

Constructors in de.jstacs.classifier that throw ParameterException
MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll)
          Creates a new empty instance of MeasureParameters.
MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll, double sp, double snForFPR, double snForPPV)
          Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters.
MeasureParameters(boolean evaluateAll, double sp, double snForFPR, double snForPPV, double minSpec, double maxSpec, int steps, RangeParameter.Scale scale)
          Creates a new instance of MeasureParameters.

Uses of ParameterException in

Subclasses of ParameterException in
static class ParameterSetParser.NotInstantiableException
          An Exception that is thrown if an instance of some class could not be created.
static class ParameterSetParser.WrongParameterTypeException
          An Exception that is thrown if the DataType of a Parameter is not appropriate for some purpose.

Uses of ParameterException in de.jstacs.parameters

Subclasses of ParameterException in de.jstacs.parameters
 class CollectionParameter.InconsistentCollectionException
          This exception is thrown if the CollectionParameter is inconsistent for some reason.
static class SimpleParameter.DatatypeNotValidException
          Class for an Exception that can be thrown if the provided int-value that represents a data type is not one of the values defined in DataType.
static class SimpleParameter.IllegalValueException
          This exception is thrown if a parameter is not valid.

Methods in de.jstacs.parameters that throw ParameterException
static CollectionParameter RangeParameter.getCollectionOfScales()
          Returns a CollectionParameter that allows the user to choose between different scales.
          Switches to the next value in the collection of values in the specified range.

Constructors in de.jstacs.parameters that throw ParameterException
EnumParameter(Class<? extends Enum> enumInstance, String comment, boolean required)
          The main constructor.
EnumParameter(Class<? extends Enum> enumInstance, String comment, boolean required, String defaultValue)
          This constructor creates an instance and set the default value.
SimpleParameter(DataType datatype, String name, String comment, boolean required, Object defaultVal)
          Constructor for a SimpleParameter without ParameterValidator but with a default value.
SimpleParameter(DataType datatype, String name, String comment, boolean required, ParameterValidator validator, Object defaultVal)
          Constructor for a SimpleParameter with validator and default value.