Uses of Interface

Packages that use NormalizableScoringFunction
de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix Provides an implementation of a classifier that allows to train the parameters of a set of NormalizableScoringFunctions by a unified generative-discriminative learning principle 
de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.logPrior Provides a general definition of a parameter log-prior and a number of implementations of Laplace and Gaussian priors 
de.jstacs.models Provides the interface Model and its abstract implementation AbstractModel, which is the super class of all other models. 
de.jstacs.models.hmm.models The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions Provides ScoringFunctions that can be used in a ScoreClassifier
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels Provides ScoringFunctions that are equivalent to directed graphical models. 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous Provides ScoringFunctions that are homogeneous, i.e. model probabilities or scores independent of the position within a sequence 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix Provides ScoringFunctions that are mixtures of other ScoringFunctions. 

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
static GenDisMixClassifier[] GenDisMixClassifier.create(GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet params, LogPrior prior, double[] weights, NormalizableScoringFunction[]... functions)
          This method creates an array of GenDisMixClassifiers by using the cross-product of the given NormalizableScoringFunctions.

Constructors in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
GenDisMixClassifier(GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet params, LogPrior prior, double[] beta, NormalizableScoringFunction... score)
          The main constructor.
GenDisMixClassifier(GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet params, LogPrior prior, double lastScore, double[] beta, NormalizableScoringFunction... score)
          This constructor creates an instance and sets the value of the last (external) optimization.
GenDisMixClassifier(GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet params, LogPrior prior, double genBeta, double disBeta, double priorBeta, NormalizableScoringFunction... score)
          This convenience constructor agglomerates the genBeta, disBeta, and priorBeta into an array and calls the main constructor.
GenDisMixClassifier(GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet params, LogPrior prior, LearningPrinciple key, NormalizableScoringFunction... score)
          This convenience constructor creates an array of weights for an elementary learning principle and calls the main constructor.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.logPrior

Fields in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.logPrior declared as NormalizableScoringFunction
protected  NormalizableScoringFunction[] SeparateLogPrior.funs
          The ScoringFunctions using the parameters that shall be penalized.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.models

Fields in de.jstacs.models declared as NormalizableScoringFunction
protected  NormalizableScoringFunction NormalizableScoringFunctionModel.nsf
          The internally used NormalizableScoringFunction.

Methods in de.jstacs.models that return NormalizableScoringFunction
 NormalizableScoringFunction NormalizableScoringFunctionModel.getFunction()
          Returns a copy of the internally used NormalizableScoringFunction.

Constructors in de.jstacs.models with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
NormalizableScoringFunctionModel(NormalizableScoringFunction nsf, int threads, byte algo, AbstractTerminationCondition tc, double lineps, double startD)
          The main constructor that creates an instance with the user given parameters.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models

Classes in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models that implement NormalizableScoringFunction
 class DifferentiableHigherOrderHMM
          This class combines an HigherOrderHMM and a NormalizableScoringFunction by implementing some of the declared methods.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions

Subinterfaces of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions
 interface SamplingScoringFunction
          Interface for NormalizableScoringFunctions that can be used for Metropolis-Hastings sampling in a SamplingScoreBasedClassifier.
 interface VariableLengthScoringFunction
          This is an interface for all NormalizableScoringFunctions that allow to score subsequences of arbitrary length.

Classes in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions that implement NormalizableScoringFunction
 class AbstractNormalizableScoringFunction
          This class is the main part of any ScoreClassifier.
 class AbstractVariableLengthScoringFunction
          This abstract class implements some methods declared in NormalizableScoringFunction based on the declaration of methods in VariableLengthScoringFunction.
 class CMMScoringFunction
          This scoring function implements a cyclic Markov model of arbitrary order and periodicity for any sequence length.
 class IndependentProductScoringFunction
          This class enables the user to model parts of a sequence independent of each other.
 class MappingScoringFunction
          This class implements a NormalizableScoringFunction that works on mapped Sequences.
 class MRFScoringFunction
          This class implements the scoring function for any MRF (Markov Random Field).
 class NormalizedScoringFunction
          This class makes an unnormalized NormalizableScoringFunction to a normalized NormalizableScoringFunction.
 class UniformScoringFunction
          This ScoringFunction does nothing.

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions that return NormalizableScoringFunction
 NormalizableScoringFunction NormalizedScoringFunction.getFunction()
          This method returns the internal function.
 NormalizableScoringFunction MappingScoringFunction.getFunction()
          This method return the internal function.
 NormalizableScoringFunction[] IndependentProductScoringFunction.getFunctions()
          This method returns a deep copy of the internally used NormalizableScoringFunction.
static NormalizableScoringFunction NormalizedScoringFunction.getNormalizedVersion(NormalizableScoringFunction nsf, int starts)
          This method returns a normalized version of a NormalizableScoringFunction.

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
static NormalizableScoringFunction NormalizedScoringFunction.getNormalizedVersion(NormalizableScoringFunction nsf, int starts)
          This method returns a normalized version of a NormalizableScoringFunction.
static boolean AbstractNormalizableScoringFunction.isNormalized(NormalizableScoringFunction... function)
          This method checks whether all given NormalizableScoringFunctions are normalized.

Constructors in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
IndependentProductScoringFunction(double ess, boolean plugIn, NormalizableScoringFunction... functions)
          This constructor creates an instance of an IndependentProductScoringFunction from a given series of independent NormalizableScoringFunctions.
IndependentProductScoringFunction(double ess, boolean plugIn, NormalizableScoringFunction[] functions, int[] length)
          This constructor creates an instance of an IndependentProductScoringFunction from given series of independent NormalizableScoringFunctions and lengths.
IndependentProductScoringFunction(double ess, boolean plugIn, NormalizableScoringFunction[] functions, int[] index, int[] length, boolean[] reverse)
          This is the main constructor.
MappingScoringFunction(AlphabetContainer originalAlphabetContainer, NormalizableScoringFunction nsf, DiscreteAlphabetMapping... mapping)
          The main constructor creating a MappingScoringFunction.
NormalizedScoringFunction(NormalizableScoringFunction nsf, int starts)
          Creates a new instance using a given NormalizableScoringFunction.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels

Classes in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels that implement NormalizableScoringFunction
 class BayesianNetworkScoringFunction
          This class implements a scoring function that is a moral directed graphical model, i.e. a moral Bayesian network.
 class MutableMarkovModelScoringFunction
          This class implements a AbstractNormalizableScoringFunction for an inhomogeneous Markov model.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous

Classes in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous that implement NormalizableScoringFunction
 class HMM0ScoringFunction
          This scoring function implements a homogeneous Markov model of order zero (hMM(0)) for a fixed sequence length.
 class HMMScoringFunction
          This scoring function implements a homogeneous Markov model of arbitrary order for any sequence length.
 class HomogeneousScoringFunction
          This is the main class for all homogeneous ScoringFunctions.
 class UniformHomogeneousScoringFunction
          This scoring function does nothing.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix

Classes in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix that implement NormalizableScoringFunction
 class AbstractMixtureScoringFunction
          This main abstract class for any mixture scoring function (e.g.
 class MixtureScoringFunction
          This class implements a real mixture model.
 class StrandScoringFunction
          This class enables the user to search on both strand.
 class VariableLengthMixtureScoringFunction
          This class implements a mixture of VariableLengthScoringFunction by extending MixtureScoringFunction and implementing the methods of VariableLengthScoringFunction.

Fields in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix declared as NormalizableScoringFunction
protected  NormalizableScoringFunction[] AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.function
          This array contains the internal ScoringFunctions that are used to determine the score.

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix that return NormalizableScoringFunction
 NormalizableScoringFunction AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.getFunction(int index)
          This method returns a specific internal function.
 NormalizableScoringFunction[] AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.getFunctions()
          This method returns an array of clones of the internal used functions.
 NormalizableScoringFunction[] AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.getScoringFunctions()
          Returns a deep copy of all internal used ScoringFunctions.

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
protected  void AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.cloneFunctions(NormalizableScoringFunction[] originalFunctions)
          This method clones the given array of functions and enables the user to do some post-processing.
static boolean StrandScoringFunction.isStrandScoringFunction(NormalizableScoringFunction nsf)
          Check whether a NormalizableScoringFunction is a StrandScoringFunction.

Constructors in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
AbstractMixtureScoringFunction(int length, int starts, int dimension, boolean optimizeHidden, boolean plugIn, NormalizableScoringFunction... function)
          This constructor creates a new AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.
MixtureScoringFunction(int starts, boolean plugIn, NormalizableScoringFunction... component)
          This constructor creates a new MixtureScoringFunction.
StrandScoringFunction(NormalizableScoringFunction function, double forwardPartOfESS, int starts, boolean plugIn, StrandScoringFunction.InitMethod initMethod)
          This constructor creates a StrandScoringFunction that optimizes the usage of each strand.
StrandScoringFunction(NormalizableScoringFunction function, int starts, boolean plugIn, StrandScoringFunction.InitMethod initMethod, double forward)
          This constructor creates a StrandScoringFunction that has a fixed frequency for the strand usage.

Uses of NormalizableScoringFunction in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix.motifSearch

Classes in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix.motifSearch that implement NormalizableScoringFunction
 class DurationScoringFunction
          This class is the super class for all one dimensional position scoring functions that can be used as durations for semi Markov models.
 class HiddenMotifsMixture
          This class handles mixtures with at least one hidden motif.
 class MixtureDuration
          This class implements a mixture of DurationScoringFunctions.
 class PositionScoringFunction
          This class implements a position scoring function that enables the user to get a score without using a Sequence object.
 class SkewNormalLikeScoringFunction
          This class implements a skew normal like discrete truncated distribution.
 class UniformDurationScoringFunction
          This scoring function implements a uniform distribution for positions.

Constructors in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix.motifSearch with parameters of type NormalizableScoringFunction
HiddenMotifsMixture(boolean type, int length, int starts, boolean plugIn, HomogeneousScoringFunction bg, NormalizableScoringFunction[] motif, DurationScoringFunction[] posPrior, boolean plugInBg)
          This constructor creates an instance of HiddenMotifsMixture that allows to have one site of the specified motifs in a Sequence.
HiddenMotifsMixture(boolean type, int length, int starts, boolean plugIn, HomogeneousScoringFunction bg, NormalizableScoringFunction motif, DurationScoringFunction posPrior, boolean plugInBg)
          This constructor creates an instance of HiddenMotifsMixture that is either an OOPS or a ZOOPS model depending on the chosen type.