Uses of Class

Packages that use Sample
de.jstacs.classifier This package provides the framework for any classifier. 
de.jstacs.classifier.assessment This package allows to assess classifiers. 
de.jstacs.classifier.modelBased Provides the classes for Classifiers that are based on Model
de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased Provides the classes for Classifiers that are based on ScoringFunctions. 
de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix Provides an implementation of a classifier that allows to train the parameters of a set of NormalizableScoringFunctions by a unified generative-discriminative learning principle 
de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.sampling Provides the classes for AbstractScoreBasedClassifiers that are based on SamplingScoringFunctions and that sample parameters using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. 
de.jstacs.classifier.utils Provides some useful classes for working with classifiers Provides classes for the representation of data. Provides an adapter between the representation of data in BioJava and the representation used in Jstacs. Provides classes for representing sequences. 
de.jstacs.models Provides the interface Model and its abstract implementation AbstractModel, which is the super class of all other models. 
de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous This package contains various inhomogeneous models. 
de.jstacs.models.hmm The package provides all interfaces and classes for a hidden Markov model (HMM). 
de.jstacs.models.hmm.models The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM 
de.jstacs.models.mixture This package is the super package for any mixture model. 
de.jstacs.motifDiscovery This package provides the framework including the interface for any de novo motif discoverer 
de.jstacs.results This package provides classes for results and sets of results. 
de.jstacs.sampling This package contains many classes that can be used while a sampling. 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions Provides ScoringFunctions that can be used in a ScoreClassifier
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels Provides ScoringFunctions that are equivalent to directed graphical models. 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkScoringFunction
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkScoringFunction as a Bayesian tree using a number of measures to define a rating of structures 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures Provides the facilities to learn the structure of a BayesianNetworkScoringFunction as a permuted Markov model using a number of measures to define a rating of structures 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous Provides ScoringFunctions that are homogeneous, i.e. model probabilities or scores independent of the position within a sequence 
de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix Provides ScoringFunctions that are mixtures of other ScoringFunctions. 

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier that return Sample
 Sample[] MappingClassifier.mapSample(Sample[] s)
          This method maps the given Samples to the internal classes.

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier with parameters of type Sample
protected  void AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.check(Sample s)
          This method checks if the given Sample can be used.
 byte[] AbstractClassifier.classify(Sample s)
          This method classifies all sequences of a sample and returns an array of indices of the classes to which the respective sequences are assigned with for each index i in the array 0 < i < getNumberOfClasses().
 NumericalResultSet AbstractClassifier.evaluate(MeasureParameters params, boolean exceptionIfNotComputeable, Sample... s)
          This method evaluates the classifier and computes all numerical results as, for instance, the sensitivity for a given specificity, the area under the ROC curve and so on.
 ResultSet AbstractClassifier.evaluateAll(MeasureParameters params, boolean exceptionIfNotComputeable, Sample... s)
          This method evaluates the classifier and computes all results.
protected  NumericalResult AbstractClassifier.getClassificationRate(Sample[] s)
          This method computes the classification rate for a given array of samples.
 double[] AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.getPValue(Sample candidates, Sample bg)
          Returns the p-values for all Sequences in the Sample candidates with respect to a given background Sample .
 double AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.getPValue(Sequence candidate, Sample bg)
          Returns the p-value for a Sequence candidate with respect to a given background Sample.
protected  LinkedList<? extends Result> MappingClassifier.getResults(Sample[] s, MeasureParameters params, boolean exceptionIfNotComputeable, boolean all)
protected  LinkedList<? extends Result> AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.getResults(Sample[] s, MeasureParameters params, boolean exceptionIfNotComputeable, boolean all)
protected  LinkedList<? extends Result> AbstractClassifier.getResults(Sample[] s, MeasureParameters params, boolean exceptionIfNotComputeable, boolean all)
          This method computes the results for any evaluation of the classifier.
 double[] AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.getScores(Sample s)
          This method returns the scores of the classifier for any Sequence in the Sample.
 Sample[] MappingClassifier.mapSample(Sample[] s)
          This method maps the given Samples to the internal classes.
 ConfusionMatrix AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.test(Sample... testData)
 ConfusionMatrix AbstractClassifier.test(Sample... testData)
          This method computes the confusion matrix for a given array of test data.
 void AbstractClassifier.train(Sample... s)
          Trains the AbstractClassifier object given the data as Samples.
 void MappingClassifier.train(Sample[] s, double[][] weights)
abstract  void AbstractClassifier.train(Sample[] s, double[][] weights)
          This method trains a classifier over an array of weighted Sample s.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier.assessment

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.assessment with parameters of type Sample
 ListResult ClassifierAssessment.assess(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, ProgressUpdater pU, Sample... s)
          Assesses the contained classifiers.
 ListResult ClassifierAssessment.assess(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, ProgressUpdater pU, Sample[][]... s)
          Assesses the contained classifiers.
 ListResult ClassifierAssessment.assess(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, Sample... s)
          Assesses the contained classifiers.
 ListResult KFoldCrossValidation.assessWithPredefinedSplits(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet caaps, ProgressUpdater pU, Sample[]... splitData)
          This method implements a k-fold crossvalidation on previously split data.
protected  void Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment.evaluateClassifier(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, Sample[] s, ProgressUpdater pU)
protected  void RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment.evaluateClassifier(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, Sample[] s, ProgressUpdater pU)
          Evaluates the classifier.
protected  void RepeatedHoldOutExperiment.evaluateClassifier(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, Sample[] s, ProgressUpdater pU)
          Evaluates the classifier.
protected  void KFoldCrossValidation.evaluateClassifier(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, Sample[] s, ProgressUpdater pU)
          Evaluates a classifier.
protected abstract  void ClassifierAssessment.evaluateClassifier(MeasureParameters mp, ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet assessPS, Sample[] s, ProgressUpdater pU)
          This method must be implemented in all subclasses.
protected  void ClassifierAssessment.prepareAssessment(Sample... s)
          Prepares an assessment.
protected  void ClassifierAssessment.test(MeasureParameters mp, boolean exception, Sample... testS)
          Uses the given test samples to call the evaluate( ... ) -methods of the local AbstractClassifiers.
protected  void ClassifierAssessment.train(Sample... trainS)
          Trains the local classifiers using the given training samples.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier.modelBased

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.modelBased with parameters of type Sample
 byte[] ModelBasedClassifier.classify(Sample s)
 double[] ModelBasedClassifier.getScores(Sample s)
 void ModelBasedClassifier.train(Sample[] s, double[][] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased

Fields in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased declared as Sample
protected  Sample[]
          The data that is used to evaluate this function.

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased that return Sample
abstract  Sample[] OptimizableFunction.getData()
          Returns the data for each class used in this OptimizableFunction.
 Sample[] AbstractOptimizableFunction.getData()

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased with parameters of type Sample
protected  void ScoreClassifier.createStructure(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Creates the structure that will be used in the optimization.
protected  void ScoreClassifier.createStructure(Sample[] data, double[][] weights, boolean initRandomly)
          Creates the structure that will be used in the optimization.
protected  double ScoreClassifier.doOptimization(Sample[] reduced, double[][] newWeights)
          This method does the optimization of the train-method
protected abstract  SFBasedOptimizableFunction ScoreClassifier.getFunction(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Returns the function that should be optimized.
abstract  void OptimizableFunction.setDataAndWeights(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          This method sets the data set and the sequence weights to be used.
 void AbstractOptimizableFunction.setDataAndWeights(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void AbstractMultiThreadedOptimizableFunction.setDataAndWeights(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void ScoreClassifier.train(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)

Constructors in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased with parameters of type Sample
AbstractMultiThreadedOptimizableFunction(int threads, Sample[] data, double[][] weights, boolean norm, boolean freeParams)
          The constructor for an multi-threaded instance.
AbstractOptimizableFunction(Sample[] data, double[][] weights, boolean norm, boolean freeParams)
          The constructor creates an instance using the given weighted data.
SFBasedOptimizableFunction(int threads, ScoringFunction[] score, Sample[] data, double[][] weights, LogPrior prior, boolean norm, boolean freeParams)
          Creates an instance with the underlying infrastructure.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix that return Sample
 Sample[] OneSampleLogGenDisMixFunction.getData()

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix with parameters of type Sample
protected  LogGenDisMixFunction GenDisMixClassifier.getFunction(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void OneSampleLogGenDisMixFunction.setDataAndWeights(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)

Constructors in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.gendismix with parameters of type Sample
LogGenDisMixFunction(int threads, ScoringFunction[] score, Sample[] data, double[][] weights, LogPrior prior, double[] beta, boolean norm, boolean freeParams)
          The constructor for creating an instance that can be used in an Optimizer.
OneSampleLogGenDisMixFunction(int threads, ScoringFunction[] score, Sample data, double[][] weights, LogPrior prior, double[] beta, boolean norm, boolean freeParams)
          The constructor for creating an instance that can be used in an Optimizer.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.sampling

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.scoringFunctionBased.sampling with parameters of type Sample
 void SamplingScoreBasedClassifier.doSingleSampling(Sample[] s, double[][] weights, int numSteps, String outfilePrefix)
          Does a single sampling run for a predefined number of steps.
protected abstract  SFBasedOptimizableFunction SamplingScoreBasedClassifier.getFunction(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Returns the function that should be sampled from.
protected  SFBasedOptimizableFunction SamplingGenDisMixClassifier.getFunction(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 double[] SamplingScoreBasedClassifier.getScores(Sample s)
 void SamplingScoreBasedClassifier.train(Sample[] s, double[][] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.classifier.utils

Methods in de.jstacs.classifier.utils with parameters of type Sample
static ImageResult ClassificationVisualizer.getScatterplot(AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl1, AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl2, Sample class0, Sample class1, REnvironment e, boolean drawThreshold)
          This method returns an ImageResult containing a scatter plot of the scores for the given classifiers cl1 and cl2.
static ImageResult ClassificationVisualizer.plotScores(AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl, Sample class0, Sample class1, REnvironment e, int bins, double density, String plotOptions)
          This method returns an ImageResult containing a plot of the histograms of the scores.
static void ClassificationVisualizer.plotScores(AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl, Sample class0, Sample class1, REnvironment e, int bins, double density, String plotOptions, String fName)
          This method creates a pdf containing a plot of the histograms of the scores.

Uses of Sample in

Subclasses of Sample in
 class DNASample
          This class exist for convenience to allow the user an easy creation of Samples of DNA Sequences.

Methods in that return Sample
static Sample Sample.diff(Sample data, Sample... samples)
          This method computes the difference between the Sample data and the Samples samples.
 Sample Sample.getCompositeSample(int[] starts, int[] lengths)
          This method enables you to use only composite Sequences of all elements in the current Sample.
 Sample Sample.getInfixSample(int start, int length)
          This method enables you to use only an infix of all elements, i.e. the Sequences, in the current Sample.
 Sample Sample.getReverseComplementarySample()
          Returns a Sample that contains the reverse complement of all Sequences in this Sample.
 Sample Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.getSample()
          Returns the Sample, where each Sequence occurs only once.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty... properties)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotidePropertys properties and setting these as ReferenceSequenceAnnotation of each original sequence.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, boolean addToAnnotation, DinucleotideProperty... properties)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotidePropertys properties and adding or setting these as ReferenceSequenceAnnotation of each original sequence.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, boolean originalAsAnnotation, DinucleotideProperty property)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotideProperty property using the DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty property)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotideProperty property.
 Sample Sample.getSuffixSample(int start)
          This method enables you to use only a suffix of all elements, i.e. the Sequence, in the current Sample.
static Sample Sample.intersection(Sample... samples)
          This method computes the intersection between all elements/Sample s of the array, i.e. it returns a Sample containing only Sequences that are contained in all Samples of the array.
 Sample[] Sample.partition(double p, Sample.PartitionMethod method, int subsequenceLength)
          This method partitions the elements, i.e. the Sequences, of the Sample in two distinct parts.
 Sample[] Sample.partition(int k, Sample.PartitionMethod method)
          This method partitions the elements, i.e. the Sequences, of the Sample in k distinct parts.
 Sample[] Sample.partition(Sample.PartitionMethod method, double... percentage)
          This method partitions the elements, i.e. the Sequences, of the Sample in distinct parts where each part holds the corresponding percentage given in the array percentage.
 Sample Sample.subSampling(int number)
          Randomly samples elements, i.e.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample... s)
          Unites all Samples of the array s.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample[] s, boolean[] in)
          This method unites all Samples of the array s regarding the array in.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample[] s, boolean[] in, int subsequenceLength)
          This method unites all Samples of the array s regarding the array in and sets the element length in the united Sample to subsequenceLength.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample[] s, int subsequenceLength)
          This method unites all Samples of the array s and sets the element length in the united sample to subsequenceLength.

Methods in with parameters of type Sample
static Sample Sample.diff(Sample data, Sample... samples)
          This method computes the difference between the Sample data and the Samples samples.
static Sample Sample.diff(Sample data, Sample... samples)
          This method computes the difference between the Sample data and the Samples samples.
static String Sample.getAnnotation(Sample... s)
          Returns the annotation for an array of Samples.
static ImageResult DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyImage(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty prop, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, REnvironment re, int xLeft, String pltOptions, int width, int height)
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty... properties)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotidePropertys properties and setting these as ReferenceSequenceAnnotation of each original sequence.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, boolean addToAnnotation, DinucleotideProperty... properties)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotidePropertys properties and adding or setting these as ReferenceSequenceAnnotation of each original sequence.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, boolean originalAsAnnotation, DinucleotideProperty property)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotideProperty property using the DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing.
static Sample DinucleotideProperty.getSampleForProperty(Sample original, DinucleotideProperty property)
          Creates a new Sample by converting each Sequence in original to the DinucleotideProperty property.
static Sample Sample.intersection(Sample... samples)
          This method computes the intersection between all elements/Sample s of the array, i.e. it returns a Sample containing only Sequences that are contained in all Samples of the array.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample... s)
          Unites all Samples of the array s.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample[] s, boolean[] in)
          This method unites all Samples of the array s regarding the array in.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample[] s, boolean[] in, int subsequenceLength)
          This method unites all Samples of the array s regarding the array in and sets the element length in the united Sample to subsequenceLength.
static Sample Sample.union(Sample[] s, int subsequenceLength)
          This method unites all Samples of the array s and sets the element length in the united sample to subsequenceLength.

Constructors in with parameters of type Sample
Sample.ElementEnumerator(Sample data)
          Creates a new Sample.ElementEnumerator on the given Sample data.
Sample.WeightedSampleFactory(Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort, Sample... data)
          Creates a new Sample.WeightedSampleFactory on the given Sample(s) with Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort.
Sample.WeightedSampleFactory(Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort, Sample[] data, double[][] weights, int length)
          Creates a new Sample.WeightedSampleFactory on the given array of Samples and an array of weights with a given length and Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort.
Sample.WeightedSampleFactory(Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort, Sample data, double[] weights)
          Creates a new Sample.WeightedSampleFactory on the given Sample and an array of weights with Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort.
Sample.WeightedSampleFactory(Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort, Sample data, double[] weights, int length)
          Creates a new Sample.WeightedSampleFactory on the given Sample and an array of weights with a given length and Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sort.
Sample(Sample s, int subsequenceLength)
          Creates a new Sample from a given Sample and a given length subsequenceLength.
SampleKMerEnumerator(Sample data, int k, boolean eliminateRevComp)
          Constructs a new SampleKMerEnumerator from a Sample data by extracting all k-mers.

Uses of Sample in

Methods in that return Sample
static Sample BioJavaAdapter.sequenceIteratorToSample(SequenceIterator it, FeatureFilter filter)
          This method creates a new Sample from a SequenceIterator.

Methods in with parameters of type Sample
static SequenceIterator BioJavaAdapter.sampleToSequenceIterator(Sample sample, boolean flat)
          Creates a SequenceIterator from the Sample sample preserving as much annotation as possible.

Uses of Sample in

Methods in that return Sample
static Sample SparseSequence.getSample(AlphabetContainer con, AbstractStringExtractor... se)
          This method allows to create a Sample containing SparseSequences.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models

Methods in de.jstacs.models that return Sample
 Sample UniformModel.emitSample(int n, int... lengths)
 Sample Model.emitSample(int numberOfSequences, int... seqLength)
          This method returns a Sample object containing artificial sequence(s).
 Sample AbstractModel.emitSample(int numberOfSequences, int... seqLength)

Methods in de.jstacs.models with parameters of type Sample
 double[] Model.getLogProbFor(Sample data)
          This method computes the logarithm of the probabilities of all sequences in the given sample.
 double[] AbstractModel.getLogProbFor(Sample data)
 void Model.getLogProbFor(Sample data, double[] res)
          This method computes and stores the logarithm of the probabilities for any sequence in the sample in the given double-array.
 void AbstractModel.getLogProbFor(Sample data, double[] res)
 void Model.train(Sample data)
          Trains the Model object given the data as Sample.
 void AbstractModel.train(Sample data)
 void VariableLengthWrapperModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void UniformModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void NormalizableScoringFunctionModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void Model.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
          Trains the Model object given the data as Sample using the specified weights.
 void CompositeModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.discrete

Methods in de.jstacs.models.discrete with parameters of type Sample
static double ConstraintManager.countInhomogeneous(AlphabetContainer alphabets, int length, Sample data, double[] weights, boolean reset, Constraint... constr)
          Fills the (inhomogeneous) Constraint constr with the weighted absolute frequencies of the Sample data.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.discrete.homogeneous

Methods in de.jstacs.models.discrete.homogeneous that return Sample
 Sample HomogeneousModel.emitSample(int no, int... length)
          Creates a Sample of a given number of Sequences from a trained homogeneous model.

Methods in de.jstacs.models.discrete.homogeneous with parameters of type Sample
 void HomogeneousModel.train(Sample[] data)
          Trains the homogeneous model on all given Samples.
abstract  void HomogeneousModel.train(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Trains the homogeneous model using an array of weighted Samples.
 void HomogeneousMM.train(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void HomogeneousMM.train(Sample data, double[] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous

Methods in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous that return Sample
 Sample DAGModel.emitSample(int n, int... lengths)

Methods in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous with parameters of type Sample
 void FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling.drawParameters(Sample data, double[] weights)
protected  void DAGModel.drawParameters(Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method draws the parameter of the model from the likelihood or the posterior, respectively.
 void FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling.drawParameters(Sample data, double[] weights, int[][] graph)
 void FSDAGModel.drawParameters(Sample data, double[] weights, int[][] graph)
          This method draws the parameters of the model from the a posteriori density.
protected  void DAGModel.estimateParameters(Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method estimates the parameter of the model from the likelihood or the posterior, respectively.
static double[][] TwoPointEvaluater.getMIInBits(Sample s, double[] weights)
          This method computes the pairwise mutual information (in bits) between the sequence positions.
 int[][] StructureLearner.getStructure(Sample data, double[] weights, StructureLearner.ModelType model, byte order, StructureLearner.LearningType method)
          This method finds the optimal structure of a model by using a given learning method (in some sense).
 SymmetricTensor StructureLearner.getTensor(Sample data, double[] weights, byte order, StructureLearner.LearningType method)
          This method can be used to compute a Tensor that can be used to determine the optimal structure.
static void FSDAGModel.train(Model[] models, int[][] graph, double[][] weights, Sample... data)
          Computes the models with structure graph.
 void FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void FSDAGModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void BayesianNetworkModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void FSDAGModelForGibbsSampling.train(Sample data, double[] weights, int[][] graph)
 void FSDAGModel.train(Sample data, double[] weights, int[][] graph)
          Computes the model with structure graph.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared

Methods in de.jstacs.models.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared with parameters of type Sample
 void SharedStructureClassifier.train(Sample[] data, double[][] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.hmm

Methods in de.jstacs.models.hmm with parameters of type Sample
 String AbstractHMM.getGraphvizRepresentation(NumberFormat nf, Sample data, double[] weight, boolean sameTypeSameRank)
          This method returns a String representation of the structure that can be used in Graphviz to create an image.
 double[][][] AbstractHMM.getLogStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sample data)
          This method returns the log state posteriors for all sequences of the sample data.
 double[][][] AbstractHMM.getStatePosteriorMatrixFor(Sample data)
          This method returns the state posteriors for all sequences of the sample data.
 Pair<IntList,Double>[] AbstractHMM.getViterbiPathsFor(Sample data)
          This method returns the viterbi paths and scores for all sequences of the sample data.
 void AbstractHMM.train(Sample data)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models

Methods in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models that return Sample
 Sample HigherOrderHMM.emitSample(int numberOfSequences, int... seqLength)

Methods in de.jstacs.models.hmm.models with parameters of type Sample
protected  void SamplingHigherOrderHMM.furtherInits(Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method allows the implementation of further initialisations
 double[] HigherOrderHMM.getLogProbFor(Sample data)
 void HigherOrderHMM.getLogProbFor(Sample data, double[] res)
protected  void SamplingHigherOrderHMM.gibbsSamplingStep(int sampling, int steps, boolean append, Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method implements the next step(s) in the sampling procedure
 void DifferentiableHigherOrderHMM.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
protected  void SamplingHigherOrderHMM.initTraining(Sample data, double[] weights)
          This methods initialize the training procedure with the given training data
 void SamplingHigherOrderHMM.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void HigherOrderHMM.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void DifferentiableHigherOrderHMM.train(Sample data, double[] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.mixture

Fields in de.jstacs.models.mixture declared as Sample
protected  Sample[] AbstractMixtureModel.sample
          The sample that was used in the last training.

Methods in de.jstacs.models.mixture that return Sample
 Sample AbstractMixtureModel.emitSample(int n, int... lengths)

Methods in de.jstacs.models.mixture with parameters of type Sample
protected  double[][] AbstractMixtureModel.doFirstIteration(Sample data, double[] dataWeights)
          This method will do the first step in the train algorithm for the current model.
 double[][] MixtureModel.doFirstIteration(Sample data, double[] dataWeights, double[][] partitioning)
          This method enables you to train a mixture model with a fixed start partitioning.
protected  double[][] AbstractMixtureModel.doFirstIteration(Sample data, double[] dataWeights, MultivariateRandomGenerator m, MRGParams[] params)
          This method will do the first step in the train algorithm for the current model.
 double[] AbstractMixtureModel.getLogProbFor(Sample data)
 double AbstractMixtureModel.iterate(Sample data, double[] dataWeights, MultivariateRandomGenerator m, MRGParams[] params)
          This method runs the train algorithm for the current model.
 void StrandModel.setTrainData(Sample s)
protected  void MixtureModel.setTrainData(Sample data)
protected abstract  void AbstractMixtureModel.setTrainData(Sample data)
          This method is invoked by the train-method and sets for a given sample the sample that should be used for train.
 void AbstractMixtureModel.train(Sample data, double[] dataWeights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.mixture.motif

Methods in de.jstacs.models.mixture.motif with parameters of type Sample
protected  void SingleHiddenMotifMixture.setTrainData(Sample data)
 void HiddenMotifMixture.train(Sample data, double[] weights)
 void SingleHiddenMotifMixture.trainBgModel(Sample data, double[] weights)
abstract  void HiddenMotifMixture.trainBgModel(Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method trains the background model.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.models.utils

Methods in de.jstacs.models.utils that return Sample
static Sample DiscreteInhomogenousSampleEmitter.emitSample(Model m, int n)
          This method emits a sample with n sequences from the discrete inhomogeneous model m .

Methods in de.jstacs.models.utils with parameters of type Sample
static double ModelTester.getLogLikelihood(Model m, Sample data)
          Returns the log-likelihood of a Sample data for a given model m.
static double ModelTester.getLogLikelihood(Model m, Sample data, double[] weights)
          Returns the log-likelihood of a Sample data for a given model m.
static double ModelTester.getValueOfAIC(Model m, Sample s, int k)
          This method computes the value of Akaikes Information Criterion (AIC).
static double ModelTester.getValueOfBIC(Model m, Sample s, int k)
          This method computes the value of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery

Methods in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery that return Sample
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex)
          This method annotates a Sample starting in each sequence at startPos.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax, boolean addAnnotation)
          This method annotates a Sample starting in each sequence at startPos.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(Sample data, int motifIndex)
          This method annotates a Sample.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax)
          This method annotates a Sample.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getBindingSites(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax, int addLeft, int addRight)
          This method returns a Sample containing the predicted binding sites.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getBindingSites(Sample data, int motifIndex)
          This method returns a Sample containing the predicted binding sites.

Methods in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery with parameters of type Sample
 void MutableMotifDiscoverer.adjustHiddenParameters(int index, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Adjusts all hidden parameters including duration and mixture parameters according to the current values of the remaining parameters.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex)
          This method annotates a Sample starting in each sequence at startPos.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax, boolean addAnnotation)
          This method annotates a Sample starting in each sequence at startPos.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(Sample data, int motifIndex)
          This method annotates a Sample.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.annotateMotif(Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax)
          This method annotates a Sample.
static ListResult MotifDiscoveryAssessment.assess(Sample truth, Sample prediction, int maxDiff)
          This method computes the nucleotide and site measures.
static boolean MutableMotifDiscovererToolbox.doHeuristicSteps(ScoringFunction[] funs, Sample[] data, double[][] weights, SFBasedOptimizableFunction opt, DifferentiableFunction neg, byte algorithm, double linEps, StartDistanceForecaster startDistance, SafeOutputStream out, boolean breakOnChanged, History[][] hist, int[][] minimalNewLength, boolean maxPos)
          This method tries to make some heuristic step if at least one MutableMotifDiscovererToolbox.InitMethodForScoringFunction is a MutableMotifDiscoverer.
static boolean MutableMotifDiscovererToolbox.findModification(int clazz, int motif, MutableMotifDiscoverer mmd, ScoringFunction[] score, Sample[] data, double[][] weights, SFBasedOptimizableFunction opt, DifferentiableFunction neg, byte algo, double linEps, StartDistanceForecaster startDistance, SafeOutputStream out, History hist, int minimalNewLength, boolean maxPos)
          This method tries to find a modification, i.e. shifting, shrinking, or expanding a motif, that is promising.
static Sample.WeightedSampleFactory KMereStatistic.getAbsoluteKMereFrequencies(Sample data, int k, boolean bothStrands)
          This method enables the user to get a statistic over all k-mers in the data.
static Sample.WeightedSampleFactory KMereStatistic.getAbsoluteKMereFrequencies(Sample data, int k, boolean bothStrands, Sample.WeightedSampleFactory.SortOperation sortOp)
          This method enables the user to get a statistic over all k-mers in the data.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getBindingSites(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax, int addLeft, int addRight)
          This method returns a Sample containing the predicted binding sites.
 Sample SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getBindingSites(Sample data, int motifIndex)
          This method returns a Sample containing the predicted binding sites.
static Sequence[] KMereStatistic.getCommonString(Sample data, int motifLength, boolean bothStrands)
          This method returns an array of strings of length motifLength so that each String is contained in all sequences of the sample respectively in the sample and the reverse complementary sample.
static Pair<Sequence,BitSet[]>[] KMereStatistic.getKmereSequenceStatistic(boolean bothStrands, int maxMismatch, HashSet<Sequence> filter, Sample... data)
          This method enables the user to get a statistic for a set of k-mers.
static Hashtable<Sequence,BitSet[]> KMereStatistic.getKmereSequenceStatistic(int k, boolean bothStrands, int addIndex, Sample... data)
          This method enables the user to get a statistic over all k-mers in the sequences.
 double SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getNumberOfBoundSequences(Sample data, double[] weights, int motifIndex)
          Returns the number of sequences in data that are predicted to be bound at least once by motif no.
static double[][] MotifDiscoveryAssessment.getSortedScoresForMotifAndFlanking(Sample data, Sample pred, String identifier)
          Returns the scores read from the prediction pred for the motif with identifier identifier and flanking sequences as annotated in the Sample data.
static double[][] MotifDiscoveryAssessment.getSortedValuesForMotifAndFlanking(Sample data, double[][] values, double offset, double factor, String identifier)
          This method provides some score arrays that can be used in ScoreBasedPerformanceMeasureDefinitions to determine some curves or area under curves based on the values of the predictions.
 IntList SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getStartPositions(int startPos, Sample data, int motifIndex, int addMax)
          This method returns a list of start positions of binding sites.
 double[][] SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.getValuesForEachNucleotide(Sample data, int motif, boolean addOnlyBest)
          This method determines a score for each possible starting position in each of the sequences in data that this position is covered by at least one motif occurrence of the motif with index index.
 void MutableMotifDiscoverer.initializeMotif(int motifIndex, Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method allows to initialize the model of a motif manually using a weighted sample.
static void MutableMotifDiscovererToolbox.initMotif(int idx, int[] classIndex, int[] motifIndex, Sample[] s, double[][] seqWeights, boolean[] adjust, MutableMotifDiscoverer[] mmd, int[] len, Sample[] data, double[][] dataWeights)
          This method allows to initialize a number of motifs.
static void MutableMotifDiscovererToolbox.initMotif(int idx, int[] classIndex, int[] motifIndex, Sample[] s, double[][] seqWeights, boolean[] adjust, MutableMotifDiscoverer[] mmd, int[] len, Sample[] data, double[][] dataWeights)
          This method allows to initialize a number of motifs.

Constructors in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery with parameters of type Sample
KMereStatistic(Sample data, int k)
          This constructor creates an internal statistic counting all k-mers in the data.
SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder(MotifDiscoverer disc, Sample bg, double[] weights, double sign)
          This constructor creates an instance of SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder that uses a Sample to determine the siginificance level.
SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder(MotifDiscoverer disc, SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder.JoinMethod joiner, Sample bg, double[] weights, double sign)
          This constructor creates an instance of SignificantMotifOccurrencesFinder that uses a Sample to determine the siginificance level.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.results

Methods in de.jstacs.results that return Sample
 Sample SampleResult.getResult()

Constructors in de.jstacs.results with parameters of type Sample
SampleResult(String name, String comment, Sample data)
          Creates a new SampleResult from a Sample with the annotation name and comment.
SampleResult(String name, String comment, Sample data, SequenceAnnotationParser parser)
          Creates a new SampleResult from a Sample with the annotation name and comment.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.sampling

Methods in de.jstacs.sampling with parameters of type Sample
 void GibbsSamplingModel.drawParameters(Sample data, double[] weights)
          This method draws the parameters of the model from the a posteriori density.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions with parameters of type Sample
 void MappingScoringFunction.adjustHiddenParameters(int index, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void IndependentProductScoringFunction.adjustHiddenParameters(int index, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 int IndependentProductScoringFunction.extractSequenceParts(int scoringFunctionIndex, Sample[] data, Sample[] result)
          This method extracts the corresponding Sequence parts for a specific ScoringFunction.
 int IndependentProductScoringFunction.extractSequenceParts(int scoringFunctionIndex, Sample[] data, Sample[] result)
          This method extracts the corresponding Sequence parts for a specific ScoringFunction.
 void UniformScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean meila, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void ScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          This method creates the underlying structure of the ScoringFunction.
 void NormalizedScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void MRFScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void MappingScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void IndependentProductScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void CMMScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void MappingScoringFunction.initializeMotif(int motifIndex, Sample data, double[] weights)
 void IndependentProductScoringFunction.initializeMotif(int motifIndex, Sample data, double[] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels with parameters of type Sample
protected  void BayesianNetworkScoringFunction.createTrees(Sample[] data2, double[][] weights2)
          Creates the tree structures that represent the context (array BayesianNetworkScoringFunction.trees) and the parameter objects BayesianNetworkScoringFunction.parameters using the given Measure BayesianNetworkScoringFunction.structureMeasure.
 void BayesianNetworkScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
protected  void BayesianNetworkScoringFunction.setPlugInParameters(int index, boolean freeParameters, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Computes and sets the plug-in parameters (MAP estimated parameters) from data using weights.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures with parameters of type Sample
abstract  int[][] Measure.getParents(Sample fg, Sample bg, double[] weightsFg, double[] weightsBg, int length)
          Returns the optimal parents for the given data and weights.
 int[][] InhomogeneousMarkov.getParents(Sample fg, Sample bg, double[] weightsFg, double[] weightsBg, int length)
protected static double[][][][] Measure.getStatistics(Sample s, double[] weights, int length, double ess)
          Counts the occurrences of symbols of the AlphabetContainer of Sample s using weights.
protected static double[][][][][][] Measure.getStatisticsOrderTwo(Sample s, double[] weights, int length, double ess)
          Counts the occurrences of symbols of the AlphabetContainer of Sample s using weights.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.btMeasures with parameters of type Sample
 int[][] BTMutualInformation.getParents(Sample fg, Sample bg, double[] weightsFg, double[] weightsBg, int length)
 int[][] BTExplainingAwayResidual.getParents(Sample fg, Sample bg, double[] weightsFg, double[] weightsBg, int length)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.directedGraphicalModels.structureLearning.measures.pmmMeasures with parameters of type Sample
 int[][] PMMMutualInformation.getParents(Sample fg, Sample bg, double[] weightsFg, double[] weightsBg, int length)
 int[][] PMMExplainingAwayResidual.getParents(Sample fg, Sample bg, double[] weightsFg, double[] weightsBg, int length)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous that return Sample
 Sample HMMScoringFunction.emit(int numberOfSequences, int... seqLength)
          This method returns a Sample object containing artificial sequence(s).

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.homogeneous with parameters of type Sample
 void UniformHomogeneousScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean meila, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void HMMScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void HMM0ScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix with parameters of type Sample
 void MixtureScoringFunction.adjustHiddenParameters(int index, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          Adjusts all hidden parameters including duration and mixture parameters according to the current values of the remaining parameters.
 void AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void MixtureScoringFunction.initializeMotif(int motifIndex, Sample data, double[] weights)
protected  void StrandScoringFunction.initializeUsingPlugIn(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
protected  void MixtureScoringFunction.initializeUsingPlugIn(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
protected abstract  void AbstractMixtureScoringFunction.initializeUsingPlugIn(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
          This method initializes the functions using the data in some way.

Uses of Sample in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix.motifSearch

Methods in de.jstacs.scoringFunctions.mix.motifSearch with parameters of type Sample
 void HiddenMotifsMixture.adjustHiddenParameters(int classIndex, Sample[] data, double[][] dataWeights)
 void UniformDurationScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean meila, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void SkewNormalLikeScoringFunction.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void MixtureDuration.initializeFunction(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)
 void HiddenMotifsMixture.initializeMotif(int motif, Sample data, double[] weights)
protected  void HiddenMotifsMixture.initializeUsingPlugIn(int index, boolean freeParams, Sample[] data, double[][] weights)